The Legacy - Part 1

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The Legacy

J. Adams

  Revised Edition Copyright © 2019

First Edition Copyright © 2011

Jewel of the West Publishing

All Rights Reserved.

Cover design by Germancreative

Available at Amazon

For all who were once victims,

But are now survivors.

May you all be blessed.

A higher power has charted the course for my life,

and my feet are set on that path.

Now, I will just be still.

Adagio St. John's Journal

Asheville, North Carolina

I am so tired, I can't move!

Dropping into a chair at one of the restaurant tables, I count the tips I've made for the night. Using a linen napkin, I wipe the remaining beads of perspiration from my forehead, grateful that my workday is over. It had been a very busy shift and I am pretty sure I have done well. After counting my cash and the tips left on credit card receipts, I smile. I have indeed done well, and just as I normally do after every shift, I silently thank the good Lord for blessing me with the money I need. Somehow, I am always able to reach my nightly goal.

After I pay my rent and buy some groceries, I will have a little money left to buy a new pair of shoes, which I desperately need. I need other things as well, but they will just have to wait.

One of my coworkers calls from behind the bar, "Cisely, you need a ride home?" I gratefully accept the offer. It saves me the taxi fare I would have to pay because there are no buses running late at night.

By the time I get to the small apartment I call home, I am so exhausted, I can barely get changed into my pajamas.

Slipping into bed, I turn out the light, hoping my tiredness is a good sign. Maybe I will be able to forgo the usual thoughts that haunt me, no matter how hard I try to keep them away. Maybe tonight I will have some peace. But as soon as I close my eyes, the familiar feelings of loneliness and doubt of my worth fill my heart once more.

Not tonight. I won't feel this way tonight.

Instead, I try to focus my final thoughts on a dream I had a week ago today. In the dream, I sat next a little boy on the bank of a beautiful river. He was young, but his emerald eyes were full of wisdom. He told me that because I have changed my life, new changes will soon come, and I will be blessed with great and marvelous things.

He said that God has a wonderful life prepared for me. And though I will still go through sorrow and great trials, I will one day come to experience joy unlike any I have ever known. He told me these things were promised to me before this life and will only be mine if I remain strong.

I have no idea what those changes will be. I only hope I will be ready for the future and everything that will come with it. I also hope I will be worthy of these wondrous gifts when they do come.

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