Chapter 2

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My chest rises as I take in a deep breathe from laughing so much.

"Really, Vanoss!?" I ask loudly while giggling.

Evan had killed me while I was trying to show them all something.

"Really, Delirious!?" He mimics.

"Don't copy me!" I grunted, crosses my arms across my chest like a child, even though he couldn't see it.

He laughs, "I swear you act like you're five." Evan chuckles.

"Well, FYI I probably look like it at the moment too." I say.

"How so-" he can't finish his sentence because Nogla lets out a loud squeal mixed with a grunt type of noise that I can't really describe.

"Nogla, what the hell?" Tyler asks, laughing.

"What happened?" Evan asks making his character walk over to Nogla's.

I made mine follow, and saw Nogla's character standing there, motionless.

"Jump scare. God, what a bitch" He mumbles.

I could just imagine Nogla sitting at his desk rubbing his face in frustration.

"Did it really scare you that bad?" Evan asks.

"Yes!" Nogla wails.

"Does Nogla need a hug?" I asked in a soft voice, stretching the 'u' on 'hug'

"Yes." Nogla mumbles, sniffing loudly.

I walk my character to his and try to make it as if I'm hugging him. I can't see what it looks like. Evan and Tyler's laughter erupts over the headset.

"It-Delirious!" Evan laughs, "It looks like y-your dry humping him!"

Nogla's character runs from mine with a disgusted yell.

"Come back!" I laughed, while chasing after his character.

"Go away you perv!" He screeched

"Let me love you!" I pleaded.

Before I could catch up to Nogla or get a response from him, my character was blown up by a rocket launcher.

'Vanoss blew up H2O Delirious'

"Vanoss!!" I exclaimed.

"Delirious!!" he mimicked again.


Evan: You should come to PAx with me this year.

I read that message over and over again. Evan wants me to go to PAx with him?

Me: You're insane.

Evan: I'm pretty sure you're the insane one ;)

Me: Evan, you know I can't go to PAx. That would involve showing my face. I'm just not ready for that yet.

Evan: You could wear a mask?

Me: Really? -_-

Evan: Yes! Please! Delirious! I really want you to come with me and Sydney.

My chest burned. Of course. Sydney has to come. I'm not even considering going now.

Evan: Please, Jon? For me?

'God damn it' I thought to myself.

Me: Fine but I s2g I'm not showing my face!

Evan: Yes! Deal! I'll meet you there!!

Me: Ditto.

I sat my phone in my lap. I can't believe I agreed. I can't back out now, that would be a dick move.

I get asked a lot why I don't show my face and I always have the same answer;

"I'm just not ready."

"You haven't been 'ready' for years"

I tell them the same, and they reply with the same. I always dodge the subject. Everyone has these theories like in most of the fanfictions I have seen.


No. I don't have any scars. I'm just really insecure. I want to show my face so bad but there's just something in me that screams 'No'.

I mean, what if the guys don't like me? All of them are decent and good looking and I'm just bleh.

Not to mention Evan looks built as fuck. I'm scrawny. Tall, thin, with no muscles.

Blue eyes.

No. Green actually. A very light green.

With all these people assuming how I look, I don't want to do a face reveal and disappoint all of them.

Short black hair.

Also wrong. My hair is light brown. Quaffed liked Evans. No I didn't start styling it like that because he does. I've always styled it like that. Sometimes when I'm lazy, it lays flat against my forehead like it is now.

I run my fingers through my hair and it spikes up in all directions.

"Why can't I just be how everyone wants me to be?" I mumble to myself.

I get up from the couch and grab my favorite type of Doritos.

Sweet and spicy chile.

I walked back to the couch and sat down, stuffing a handful of the chips into my mouth.

PAx is in three days and it's in California. The thought of going to California and meeting my friends scares the living shit out of me.

I sigh and look into the now empty bag of Doritos. I crumble the bag and get up, tossing it in the trash can. I grab my keys off the counter and walk out to my car.

Getting in, I start the engine and pull out, making my way to my local grocery store.

Once I finally get there, I grab more Doritos and a case of beer. While I was making my way to the cash register, someone abruptly bumped into my shoulder with their own.

"Hey, watch where-Luke?"

"Hey! What's up, Jon? He asked rubbing the shoulder he bumped into.

"Just getting some more chips and beer." I answered, showing the items in my hands.

"That's cool." He rushed, "I gotta get going! So text me later!" He called while walking of in the other direction.

I shrugged my shoulders and checked out with my items and made my way back to my car.

I tossed my groceries in the back and went off to my house. Where I'll sit. Alone.

Like always.


910 words


A/N: I wanted this to be longer but I was writing it while at school. I'll make it up to you guys in the next one :)
"And as always, I hope ye enjoyed!"
Xoxo, Britney (::) <3

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