Second times the charm

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I was nervous to tell the girls about my engagement with Max seeing as how the last one went. I was a nervous wreck the whole day leading up to lunch.

I was meeting them all after I had my interview thing to tell them.

I finished up early and got there before all of them so I decided to sit and read while I waited.

I wasn’t paying much attention to the book; I was playing with the ring on my finger. It felt weird to have it there. I never got one from Jay, not a real one anyways, since it was not planned.

The diamond shone in the light creating rainbows to fall on the seat opposite me.

“NO FUCKING WAY!!!!” Nareesha shouts and I jump.

“HE DID IT!!!” Kelsey adds.

“OMG SAM!!!!” Rosalie shouts.

“Yes he did.” I smile and hug them all in turn.

“Tell us everything!!” Kelsey demands sitting next to me.

I started off with him coming home and everything and then moving on to us arriving at the park. I explained in detail the set up and every decoration.

“It was beautiful.” I sigh thinking back.

“Go on!!” Nareesha jumps with excitement.

I went on to tell them about everything he said and how he asked me to marry him.

“Awwww!!” They sang in a chorus.

“Have you planned anything yet???”

“Not really. It was only last night!! We were a little bit busy if you know what I mean.” I wink at them, which sets all of them in a fit of giggles.

“How is he in bed??” Kelsey asks interested.

“I don’t want to know!!!” Rosalie shouts, covering her ears.

“He’s amazing!! He does this thing when he knows I’m close…”

“Okay!!!” Rosalie shouts interrupting me.

We all laugh it off and soon we all head our different ways.

“You coming home with me?” I ask Kelsey since Tom was visiting Max.

“Yeah.” She smiles linking arms with me.

“So how excited are you??” She asks admiring my ring.

“I’m over the moon. Max is the best thing that could ever happen to me.”

“That’s good. That’s what I want to hear.” She smiles pleased.

We walk up to the door and I unlock it, immediately stepping into a warzone.

“What the hell is going on!!?” I shout.

The couches were tipped over, tables lying on their tops with the legs in the air. One vase was broken.

I walked into the kitchen and saw another mess waiting. Food was strewn all over the counters, with no empty space to be seen. Empty beer bottles were on the floor along with something that I don’t even want to know what it is.

“Where are they??” Kelsey asks after eyeing the mess.

“I don’t know but they are sooo dead!!” I reply back.

I stepped over something and walked into the bedroom to find pillows on the floor and some of Ella’s toys as well.

“MAX!!! TOM!!!” I shout walking through the flat.

“What’s up babe??” Max asks innocently walking in from the bathroom holding Ella.

“What’s up??? What’s up??? Have you seen the house George!!?” I shout frustrated.

Tom walked out and saw the confrontation and immediately tried to walk away.

“Don’t you dare Parker!!” Kelsey shouts.

“I come home and this is what I see!!! The place looks like a pig sty!!!” By now I was fuming and Max looked scared.

“I’m sorry babe, all us guys were having a nerf gun war and I guess it just go out of hand.”

“You better be, and you are cleaning this mess up.” I state, grabbing Ella and walking out with Kelsey to leave them to it.

“How long should we give them??” She asks while we walk into the park.

“About an hour tops. If Max wants any soon then he needs to clean.” I smile and walk to the ice cream vender.

We order an ice cream for each of us and watch as Ella runs off to go play with some kids.

“She’s getting big.” I state licking my ice cream.

“Yeah, I can’t believe it.” Kelsey adds and we both smile at Ella as she shows us a trick on the monkey bars.

“That’s lovely honey!” Kelsey gushes.

“So, when are you going to stat planning your wedding??”

“I have no idea. I haven’t talked to Max about anything, I think we are going to try have a summer wedding somewhere on an Island so that all my family and his family can get there.” I reply, making a mental note to call my parents.

“Are your parents coming??”

“I haven’t really talked to them since I started dating Jay, they didn’t approve and when we broke up I think they thought I was going to come back and live with them again but then the whole Max thing happened and they flipped. They hated it, saying he was too old and stuff.” I sigh sitting back and watching Ella.

“I’m sorry.” Kelsey adds awkwardly and I smile.

“Don’t worry, I still want them there and everything, my dad to walk me down the isle and my mom to help me get ready.” I felt tears stinging in my eyes and quickly rubbed them off.

“They’ll come, otherwise you can ask someone else to walk you down the isle and you always have your maid of honor and bridesmaids.” Kelsey smiles trying to cheer me up.

“Thanks Kels.” I hug her quickly and look down at my watch.

“We should get back, I still have to make dinner and prepare stuff for Friday.” The shoot for the cover for next month’s issue of the magazine I was working at was on Friday and I had to go make sure everything was going to run smoothly.

Kelsey went and grabbed Ella and walked back to me.

“Let’s go.” Ella gurgles and we both laugh.

“Yes princess.” I smile, tickling her sides.

She let out a roar of laughter setting me and Kelsey off as well.

When we got back to the flat the only thing to be heard was silence. I opened the door and walked in to see the place spotless. Everything was returned to normal and all the stains on the floors and walls were wiped away. I walked to the kitchen and saw Max and Tom sitting with a beer in hand.

“You guys did good.” I admit and they both let out a sigh of relief.

“I should get you guys to do our place too.” Kelsey adds in astonishment.

“No ways. This was enough cleaning for a year!!” Max shouts. He looked tired and I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Did you guys want to stay for dinner??” I ask after grabbing me and Kelsey a drink.

“Yeah stay!!” Max chimes in pushing me onto his lap.

“Okay.” Tom and Kelsey agree and we decide on ordering in pizza.

“Good idea, I do not feel like cooking right now.” I sigh and lean back against Max’s shoulder. His one arm was wrapped around me while the other was playing with my hair. It was soothing and I felt like I could fall asleep.

How do I choose Between... (Sequel To Bittersweet)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora