Dress Fittings and Preparation

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“Hey guys!!” I smile walking up to the three girls sitting on the couch.

“Hey!” Rosalie jumps up and hugs me.

“Someone is a little excited.” Kelsey remarks and we all laugh.

“What’s up Rose??” I ask sitting down opposite her.

She stays standing and we all turn our attention to her.

“Well umm, I have some exciting news.” She smiles and I immediately knew.

“I’m pregnant!!!” She shouts and I couldn’t help but jump up and hug her closely.

More screaming filled the room, Max came running in panting.

“What the hell man!! I thought someone was dying!!” He shouts through breaths.

 I chuckle walking up to him and kissing him quickly.

“Don’t worry baby, go finish getting ready, your tux fitting is in an hour and knowing you boys you’ll be late.” I smack his bum and wink when he turns around with a shocked look.

“Samantha!!” He shouts.

“Not in front of the guests!! There are kids here!!” he remarks pointing to Ella and Viola playing in the corner.

“You love it George.” I remark.

“Pretty soon you’ll be a George too.” He winks before running back to our room.

“Sorry about that.” I say turning back to the girls.

“No, it’s fine.” Nareesha was trying not to giggle and pushed her hand against her mouth.

“Let’s go, or we’re going to be late!!” Kelsey shouts.

It has been two months since Max asked me to marry him and today is the last fitting for all of us before the wedding next week.

Excitement filled the air as we all pilled into Max’s car and sped off to the shop.

I was just having the three girls as my bridesmaids since they have been the only ones to stay with me through everything. Kelsey’s going to be my maid of honor since Max wanted Tom as his best man. I didn’t mind and Kelsey was extremely honored.

“Here are your dresses. Miss Stevens please follow me.” The woman says walking into the dressing room with my dress.

I walked into the room she showed me and stood in shock when I saw it. I’ve seen it only a couple of times but each time it feels like the first.

It was beautiful and the first time I tried it on the girls agreed on this one.

I quickly took my clothes off and stepped into the dress. It was a little heavy but nothing too bad.

I pushed my hair back and took a quick glance in the mirror before walking out to everyone.

They all gasped and the room went quiet. I blushed lightly walking to the three-way mirror.

“Sam you look beautiful!!” Nareesha finally musters up.

“Thank you.” I smile and hug them all quickly.

The assistant comes up and takes a quick look before leaving us alone.

“I cannot believe that in a week you will be getting married.” Rosalie says, tearing up a little.

“Rose I swear if you cry then I will punch you!!” I exclaim looking away to prevent me from crying too.

“Come on, Nareesha grab the shoes you got her so that we can see how it looks.” Kelsey demands and Nareesha grabs the bag and opens it.

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