Chapter 15

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   They were several miles from pack home and Reese anger had yet to dissipate. "Shane...go to the pack," Reese ordered.
   "O no...I'm not going--"
   Reese snarled silencing Shane. "I am third in this pack and you are a few notches lower. Unless you plan to challenge me...leave..."
   Shane grimaced, frustration building from the naive attitude from Reese.
   Dakota nodded for Shane to go and he did mumbling under his breath. "Did you have to be harsh?"
   Reese began walking and not in the path of pack home. "Maybe you should think about what your planning before you do something foolish." Reese did not slow her stride, putting Dakota in a position she did not want to be in. Dakota snarled, annoyed, swaying herself in front of Reese's path. "Bryce did not betray us."
   "He could betray you," Reese corrected. "I never gave him my trust to try and betray me."
   Dakota faced her mate, perplexed by her enmity towards Bryce. "Why are you so against him?"
   "I'm not," Reese answered defensively.
   " are."
   Dakota could see Reese's eyes swaying not able to face her. Reese was afraid to make eye contact. "Because...he clearly cares for you and it pIsses me off."
   "No." Dakota shook her head, disbelieving that was the reason behind her anger. She knew Reese was right about Bryce interest of her but that wasn't the reason for her anger. "Face me."
   "Dakota. I'm not in the mood."
   Dakota snarled grabbing a hold of her mates face, forcing Reese to look into her eyes. Reese had given it her best to barricade her emotions enough for Dakota not to pick up on but Reese needed to be reminded of who Dakota was to her. Through all Reese showed her, Dakota could smell the gut wrenching feeling of sadness in her. "Why do you feel that way?"
   Reese didn't think to remind herself that Dakota was already mated to her enough to sense her emotions and thoughts. She tried keeping her thoughts and feelings closed but it was pointless now. "I lost my parents to vampires. Vampires he failed to keep in line. As soon as your father initiated the contact for a meeting with Bryce, he didn't waste any time in asking for an alliance. Why couldn't he take fucking responsibility for the vampires in this town he's supposed to be Liege over when my family was killed. Shit. Before they were killed? What the fuck has he been doing all this time?"
"Don't defend him. I don't trust him and I want to know--"
   "Reese..." Dakota called out to her mate louder. Reese silenced. "You are right." Dakota hated admitting it but Reese was right. She didn't want Reese to be right partially because she had just told her pack they could trust him and he seemed like a possible true friend.
   Bryce was a vampire and a natural charmer. Was it possible Bryce had tricked her into believing he was one of the good vampires. No...his honesty was there.
   "Maybe he has been keeping things to himself...but, I can't believe he is the enemy."
   "Do you trust my instincts?" Dakota asked.
   "Do you trust mind?"
   Dakota nodded. "Yes...but right now they are clouded with the loss of your parents and my minds clear."
   "I'm not clo--" the look in Dakota's eyes made Reese quiet. Maybe she was right. Reese snarled feeling defeated about how she felt.
   Dakota forced Reese to turn her way and as her mouth opened to speak, pain so harrowing and unendurable shot through Dakota's body. As Dakota's knees debacle to the ground Reese began to endure the same pain. Not as grave but it was enough to understand what that pain meant.
   "Pack," Dakota groan gold in her eyes and agonizingly harsh with a low snarl.
   Dakota held onto her side trying to gather a normal breath fighting the urge to shift.
   Reese screamed more than roared as she fell to her knees, her hands collapsing to the soil, bones breaking and muscles twisting to shape into new form.
   "Fight the shift," Dakota groaned. It was as if her father was commanding them to shift but he would never force a shift on any of the pack without just reason.
   Unless it was something else too overwhelming to put into words.
   It was in the middle of the day, the sun beaming high in the sky. Dakota did not expect anyone to attack her pack at this time. Dakota fought through the shift, winning the battle as her fist clenched together.
   "Reese...get up." Reese eyes fell heavy on me, nodding as she stood up gradually. "Our father."
   They needed to stay in human flesh. It was the only way to think smartly about what we were heading into. In her wolf her thoughts were clouded with the need to only fight tearing through flesh.
   They were only a mile from pack home. The heat from the sun burned at their skin, as if they were too close to a campfire. Dakota sniffed air, her wolf roused up for a fight. Her pack was in trouble and there were uninvited Weres in their territory.
   Dakota snarled ready to rush to her pack and Reese snatched her back. "We need to think smartly...remember." Dakota's patience was standing on thin ice. "We have to face these rogues rationally." Reese reminded her of their purpose in not shifting.
   It took a few minutes to relax, her shoulders taut from the anxiety and fear of losing one of her pack.
   We walked cautiously toward our pack and as we came closer the packs mixed emotions flowed through Dakota like strong vibration from an earthquake.
   "I love you," Reese told Dakota. "No matter what...I'm by your side."
   "I love you too."
   Dakota's eyes landed on Sage first. She looked extremely petrified. It was a new look on her but despite that she was Dakota's and Reese's pack and they did not like seeing the fear in her eyes.
   "He...he told escort you two." Sage words were staggering with emotion laced in them.
   "Who?" Reese asked sympathetic to Sage's fear.
   Sage eyes watered, turning away embarrassed. Dakota took this opportunity, making Sage feel better by brushing her hand over her shoulder. Sage didn't step away from Dakota, partially baffled she was comforting her. Reese wasn't surprised. At the end when it mattered, Dakota would support any in her pack that stayed true and loyal.
   "Be ready to fight if you need to," Dakota told Sage.
She nodded and they all walked toward their pack.
   Reese snarled lowly when the pack came into view. They were all sitting on their knees, huddled around the house. Dakota's eyes picked up on all the rogue Weres that suffused her pack. It was twice as many rogues that they could face. Their cups and submissive Weres scared, holding each other.
   Cindy layed lifeless on the ground and Dakota snarled, closing out her mind to focus only on her unmoving form. Cindy was alive. Dakota watched slowly as her chest lightly raised and fell. Dakota had saved Cindy once from rogue vampires, finding her as still as she was now.
   "What happened?" Reese whispered.
  Sage muttered quietly. "The rogues attacked a few of us and the girl..." she saw the look in Reese's eyes. Sage knew the girls name and wanted her to acknowledge that. "Cindy...protected a few of the pack." Reese nodded.
   The front door to their home kicked open and Daniel stepped out first.
   "What a surprise..." Dakota snarled riled by the sight of him.
   "I should have killed him long ago..." Reese snarled.
   Daniel's eyes looked directly at us, sadistic and malice with raw cruel intent. He waved back towards the inside of the house with a few others rogues in human skin pulling out my brother, one grip holding him by his hair and the other gripping the back of his shirt.
   Brandon growled thrashing to get released and Dakota snarled running toward him.
   Reese called to her but Dakota could not hear her with her wolf taking over. Her brother was in harm's way...her pack. How the Fuck did this happen? Her pack was the safest place to be.
   A few rogues tried to get in her way. They were in wolf form and by the scent of them...they hadn't shifted human in a very long time. Dakota was not going to let that stop her.
   The sound of a loud ear banging popping sound halted Dakota's attacking motion as her voice roared into a loud growl. Blood pooled out of her fast as she realized she had been shot.
   The bullet penetrated the right side of her chest. By the acid burning pain that went through her, the bullet was silver and centimeters from her heart.
   Reese tried rushing to her mate, but Daniel's voice stopped her.
   "You take one more fucking step and I'll put a bullet through her heart."
   Reese was conflicted with worry over Dakota and her wolf was clawing like a caged in monster to get out. She continuously sucked in her breath to keep her wolf down.
   There was nothing more painful to Dakota than silver.
   Brandon called to her and one of the rogues punched him across his face.
   Another rogue dragged their best friend Shane out with what looked like a crowbar penetrated through his abdomen. Dakota's ears heard nothing but bounding ringing that made her grit her teeth. She felt dizzy and lightheaded tying to keep her eyes focused.
   Shane looked half conscious, sweat trickling down his face as he looked in agony.
   "Get off my fucking porch..." Daniel snarled.
   Reese eyes widen. His porch. Shane groaned trying to stand. His body trembled as he kept one hand around the crowbar. Shane tried sliding his body off the porch but it seemed to Daniel he wasn't moving fast enough.
   Dakota ripped at her shirt trying to look at where the silver bullet penetrated her. Bluish cyanotic coloring began to appear around where the bullet entered.
   " brother go?"
   The pack all seemed to look at Dakota as if she had some special ability that would get them all out of this. She didn't.
   Daniel laughed and though her vision was blurred Dakota looked up to see Daniel walking her way.
   Another rogue grabbed Shane tossing him off the porch and they heard him snarl in pain as they were sure the crowbar most likely penetrated into him further.
   The other rogues dragged Brandon down, lingering close to Daniel as if he had control over them. How deep was Daniel in his betrayal?
   "Bring out the Alpha," he ordered.
   When the Alpha came out with three rogues at his back, staggering weakly, Dakota tried to stand only shooting pain from her wound to her every vein and artery in her body.
   Daniel punched her across her face and Reese snarled rushing toward him. Daniel pulled out a gun and Reese's eyes landed on it, stopping herself from further movement.
   Daniel shook his head, smacking his lips. "You should have listened."
   Daniel pointed the gun at Dakota and Reese roared out a cry of plead but this was Daniel who held no heart within his chest. He pulled the trigger having everyone including Reese cry out as he shot Dakota point blank in the chest.
   Reese body shook violently as her wolf cried out to her mate.
   Daniel and the rogues only laughed.
   Tears fell from Reese's eyes as she listened to Dakota's heartbeat slow.
Dakota... Reese cried to her mate, telepathically but there was no answer.
   "Well...I wanted Dakota to make the choice. You'll have to do." Daniel told me.
   Brandon seemed to collapse to his knees as their Alpha stood weakly from any pain endured. To a mundane person by how here Alpha looked, he should belong in a hospital on a ventilator. His face was badly battered, blood spilling out of him even now as he stood. They had probably shot him too many times with silver bullets.
   His eyes fell heavy to his daughter as she looked pale and close to death.
   Reese no longer cared what Daniel planned to do. She needed to get close to her mate. She rushed over to Dakota's body and she tried to open her eyes couldn't. Only the pulse in her neck told Reese she was still alive but barely.
   "Perhaps I nicked her heart." Daniel only shrugged. "I've waited too long for this. You have a choice Reese." He pointed to Brandon, than their Alpha. "Which one do you want me to save?"
   "You can't possibly be serious." Sage sobbed out. "Their your pack Daniel."
   Daniel snorted. "We fucked a great many times. Don't think for one second I care for you or this pack. Plan a did not work so I'm going with plan b. My new friends promise me what I want if I help them for the last several months...instead of going out to do those small task Alpha here sent me on...I recruited and met some interesting vampires along the way."
   "You could have easily just challenged our Alpha..." Reese said cradling her mates head into her lap.
   Daniel snarled, looking down at her. "Too much work," he said dismissively.
   "No," Reese snarled. "You were just to cowardly."
   Daniel was about to attack Reese until one of his rogues called to him. "We don't have much time. We have to finish our end of the deal."
   Daniel pursed his lips gazing down at Reese. She wouldn't turn her eyes away and she knew that would infuriate him.
   "What's your choice?" He asked again, thicker this time. His wolf was announcing itself.
   Reese would not give him an answer.
   Daniel nodded. "Fine...I'll choose for you."
   Daniel walked a few steps to Brandon yanking him back to his feet and lifted his arm up in a striking posture with cows protruded. The thought of Dakota losing her brother was unimaginable. Before he stroke Reese yelped. "No."
   Daniel smiled cunningly. The look in his eyes told Reese he was always planning to kill Brandon. "Too late."
   Brandon eyes looked horrid as Daniel went down to strike Brandon.
   The Alpha jumped in the way, in time enough to attack Daniel piercing his canines into Daniel's neck. Daniel roared out, jerking away as he chose the Alpha instead, slamming his clawed hand into the Alpha's chest.
   The pack all tried out as the Alpha's body jerked. With only a few words to get out . He said, "take care of my children and this pack...prima."
   Daniel yanked his hand out with the Alpha's heart in his hand. Daniel snarled angry and annoyed that he was even attacked. "Trust me...after will be dead...and the rest of you will now to me."
   Daniel clasped his hand over his neck where the Alpha tore into him, unfortunately not succeeding in tearing his throat out but it was enough to send Daniel and his rogues packing.
   "Don't be relieved...none of you."
   He waved for the rogues to follow muttering under his breath and they did, disappearing off.
   A few of the pack ran to their Alpha's lifeless body as he laid dead, Brandon falling to his knees as he cried out for the loss of his father.
   How did this happen? This was unexpected. They were sent out to take care of a vampire Bryce said was home and clueless to us arriving only to come back home to this. Daniel had somehow warned the vampire we were coming. Everything was somehow screwed up and Dakota wouldn't make it if Reese didn't think fast.
   Reese had to be smart and think rational. She watched as one of her pack helped remove the crowbar bar out of Shane. He was in bad shape but would be alright after he shifted.
   Gazing at her Alpha's dead body that many of her pack cried out, Reese Brian seemed to go on overdrive as she made a decision.
   Dakota's blood was pouring onto her. The poison of the silver killing Dakota.
   Cindy ran over to her. She hadn't noticed her awake, surprised by the sight of her. "What do you need me to do?"
   Reese blinked a few times, disoriented. If she lost Dakota she would be lost in this world forever. "They won't be back tonight...and Shane should be back to his normal health in a few hours."
   Reese felt like she wasn't even speaker with her mind so clouded.
   "What do you need?"
   Cindy's voice was dominant. Reese eyes gazed up to Cindy and smiled lightly. Dakota had told her that Cindy would grow to be a big part of this pack as another leader. Maybe today was a start.
   "I need to take Dakota. There is only one person who can heal her fast enough." Reese cupped her face in her hand. "I need you to organize and control this pack until Shane can get up to do it. And even then help him. Anyone hurt, help them. Make sure they eat. We need our strength. Make them feel safe. We'll be back." Cindy nodded.
   Reese stood with Dakota cradled in her arms as she ran over to one of their cars parked on the side. She placed Dakota into the back, skirting around to the driver seat as she started the car. She hoped she was right in the actions she was about to take. She didn't trust Bryce but Dakota did and that was enough to make the decision she was now.
   Dakota needed to survive for her. But more than for Reese. For her brother and her pack. She was Alpha now and Reese needed Dakota to stand beside her as they eliminated their threat together.

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