Chapter 16

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Reese skitted her car right in front of Bryce's home causing a loud screech sound that she was sure woke up Bryce's home. Either way, a Were could never stealth into a vampires lair; especially not a Liege home.
It was also seen as a threat to enter a vampires lair without prior invitation. It was the same for Weres. But what choice did Reese have? Dakota was dying and he was the only one she knew would be able to save her.
Reese hopped out of the drivers seat, skirting around the car until she reached the back door heaving Dakota's lifeless body out. It taken thirty minutes to reach Bryce's home and Dakota looked even worse. Reese begged Dakota to at least make a sound no matter how incoherent it was, as she lifted Dakota into her arms. Blood painted all over Dakota's body and over Reese, carrying her to the front door of Bryce's home.
Reese wasn't sure if it was smart to just open his front door or call out to him. He knew she was here. Reese could feel the transmission of tension passing through her. She was an uninvited guest.
"I'm not here as an enemy," Reese shouted knowing he could hear her.
"Are you fucking out of your mind? Coming here uninvited. I should kill you."
That was definitely Payden. Reese snarled telling her wolf to back down. Reese would deal with Payden's threat another time. She was here without the daylight know less, so understood her anger. "I had no choice in coming here." Reese knew Payden could hear the desperation and truthfulness in her voice because her voice definitely cracked. "Dakota...she's dying."
"That's not my pro--"
"Come in." Bryce's voice cut Payden off. "I have your promise...that you're coming in as an ally."
Reese had to make a decision. Trust Dakota. "Yes." Reese closed her eyes hoping she was making the right choice in coming here. "You are not my enemy."
"Come in quickly and shut the door the moment you do."
Reese took in a few breaths and did as Bryce said, slamming the door back within a few seconds. Reese thought she'd laid Dakota on the floor but found her a few feet away in Bryce's arms.
He was carrying her into what looked like a dining room. He placed her onto the long stretched out oak wood dining table observing her injuries. The house was dark and unlit with not even a candle. The windows were darkly tinted with thick curtains. Reese had to use her enhanced werewolf vision to see where she was.
Reese closed her eyes after moving around the table as she stood by Dakota's side. Keeping her eyes closed, Reese snarled in pain and fear. "I can't feel her. She's slipping from me," Reese snarled. Tears barged its way through her wall of strength as the feeling of emptiness began to settle in.
Reese grabbed onto Dakota's hand, squeezing it tight as she begged her to live, telepathically and verbally. Dakota's body temperature began to diminish from its normal high temperature. Her finger beds and lips were blue as well around the areas Dakota was shot with the silver. Reese tried to feel for Dakota's peripheral pulses at her wrist but they were absent, than she checked by Dakota's neck feeling a faint one after a few long seconds. Reese listened to Dakota's heartbeat as it seemed too slow for anyone to be pulled back alive. "Can you save her?" I asked him.
Bryce eyes glinted sapphire.
"Liege..." Payden called out to Bryce. "It's daylight."
"I can't let her die."
"But you'll be weakened and vulnerable...and its--"
"Yes. Yes...I know." He shot back.
Reese lowered her head to Dakota's body than back up to Bryce. She had to do something she never thought she would do. She loved Dakota too much to let her own fear or hatred cloud her from what was right. "You save can feed from me." The words were already out.
Payden snorted glaring incredulous at Reese. "Yeah freaking right."
Reese snarled. "Compel me...whatever...I'll let you drink from me if you save her. I really don't give a shit about my life without her." Reese slammed her fist against the table making her statement clear.
"I would save her regardless," Bryce said lazily.
Reese supposed since it was daylight, they were naturally already weaker. The sun seemed to make both Payden and Bryce look drowsy as if they could fall over at any moment and sleep.
"Would you need to feed after helping her? Seeing how you look now with it being daylight?" Reese was done with them wasting time.
"Yes...and werewolf blood is the strongest blood that could help witout me taking too--"
"Alright...I get it." Damn these vampires were slow in the mind and body in the day time. "Save her..." Reese pointed to Dakota..."and I'll help you."
Bryce nodded. Without anymore talking Bryce extended his fangs for Reese to see biting into his wrist and draped his wrist over Dakota's mouth as his blood began to spill out.
Reese watched closely as blood dripped onto Dakota's lips, slipping into her mouth. Reese kept her fingers linked with Dakota's as she begged her to wake. "Drink..." she snarled.
Reese thought she noticed Dakota's lip twitch, checking her injury site for any change.
Bryce moved his wrist all the way down to Dakota's mouth and he sneered. "Bite me..." he said firmly.
With hope in her eyes, Reese observed waiting for Dakota to sink her teeth into his wrist. After too many seconds passing Reese snarled doing what she only knew to do. Reese needed to connect to Dakota and there was only way on how to do that. Reese grabbed Dakota's arm that rested to the side lifting it up as Reese closed her eyes, calling out her wolf.
"What are you doing?" Payden sneered weakly, pulling herself up from the wall.
Reese was already lost in her wolf to speak but she could hear Payden's concern. She thought Reese was becoming a threat.
Reese canines erupted as she snarled, opening her eyes to let gold shimmer through.
"Liege..." Payden sneered panic.
"She's going to give Dakota a mating bite," Bryce spoke calmly. "Relax and save your strength."
Payden settled back down and Reese's attention was focused on her mates. Not wasting life precious time Reese bit down over the bicep of Dakota's arm. Reese groaned as she passed into her the love she had for Dakota all these years. She had never imagined giving Dakota a mating bite under these circumstances but it was something long overdue.
Within a few seconds Reese felt the stir of Dakota's wolf, waking and in pain. Reese called out to her through their connection confident and serene that Dakota would respond. Bite Bryce, was all Reese kept whispering into Dakota's mind. Reese knew she'd finally heard her when Bryce winced.
Reese eyes dropped down to Dakota as she saw Dakota's mouth locked around Bryce's wrist. Bryce grimaced as he guided her to sucked down harder.
Reese's heart sped up, seeing Dakota's eyes slowly drift open and Reese gazed down to her mates injuries as she watched them slowly heal. The silver bullets spilled out of her as Dakota's wounds began to close.
"That's enough..." Payden sneered, standing back up weakly.
Bryce tried moving his arm away, but Dakota wouldn't let go. Reese snaked her hand around Dakota's face, cupping her cheek. "Dakota...let go."
Dakota listened instantaneously and bryce pulled away to fast as he nearly stumbled over.
Dakota groaned, Bryce's blood around her mouth as she gasped a few times in pain. "Reese..."
"I'm right here," Reese assured her by cupping both ends of her face to force Dakota to look her way.
When she did, their eyes locked heavy and too solid for anyone to pull them away from each other. Tears fell from Reese's eyes. "I almost lost you," she cried out.
Dakota's expression was so soft and compassionate to her mates fears. The thought of losing Reese or seeing Reese badly hurt like her, Dakota couldn't allow herself to imagine. "I'm fine now." She pulled up with Reese's assistance immediately embracing Reese, sighing into her hold. Dakota laid her head on Reese's shoulder, feeling a stinging in her arm as she tried to curl her arm around Reese. She arched a brow weakly to her mate.
"I wish it could have been at a--" Dakota smashed her lips over Reese's mouth, almost absorbing Reese into her, than ended their kiss.
"I love you."
Reese smiled. "I love you too."
"We can finish this," Dakota pointed to the mating bite Reese gave her, "at a later time."
Reese's moved around the table as Dakota slipped off. "My end of the deal," she said scarcely. Bryce smiled. "Any way you can compel me to not remember?" Reese asked eager on a yes.
"Sorry...not in my current condition." Bryce slid down the wall onto the floor.
"What are you doing?" Dakota looked around barely realizing where she was. "You came to his the daylight?" She asked disbelief.
Reese nodded. "I had to save you."
"Can you feed my sire already?" Payden barked out.
Reese snarled. Closing her eyes, Reese held out her arm to Bryce. "Please get this over with."


After Bryce fed from Reese, she shook off the feeling...promising herself to never let a vampire bite her again. Dakota sat in one of the chairs by the dining table. "What happened?"
Reese turned to her mate confused by her question until she reconsidered what she was asking. "I didn't--everything happened so fast." How could Reese tell her? There would be no easy way.
"What's going on?" Bryce asked.
Reese realized she never shared what happened; her only focus was saving Dakota at the time. "Do you want us to come--"
Bryce waved Reese concern off. "You are here now...and it will be dark in another hour."
They all took a seat around the dining table. "Daniel betrayed the pack and brought a whole bunch of rogue Weres into our territory."
"Fuck," Bryce said.
"I guess we're not the only ones with out of control rogues," Payden sneered, throwing the words Dakota said to her when first meeting her, back in her face.
"Payden...not now," Bryce said.
"He shot me...that coward couldn't even fight like a true fucking wolf...shooting me." Dakota's eyes lit gold to Reese. " father. What happened to our pack?"
Reese looked away from a moment, weak in the eyes in telling Dakota the truth. Dakota went unconscious before seeing what happened.
Dakota called out to her mate, forcing her to gaze into her eyes. "Tell. Me," she said weak and terrified.
"Shane was barely hanging on when I left with you," Reese said softly.
"What? Shane was harmed?" Payden sneered, eyes merging sapphire.
"He will be fine," Reese snarled. "The pack is fine...physically."
"Stop tiptoeing..." Dakota said.
Reese nodded. "There was nothing I could do. I had already fucked things up trying to protect you and that nearly got you killed."
Dakota interrupted me. "That's not your fault."
I nodded." Your father." I took in a slow inhale. "Daniel wanted me to choose between your brother or father. I couldn't make a choice and he made one for me."
Dakota's eyes seemed to darken with trepidation.
"He was about to kill your brother...but your father jumped in front of his blow." Reese grabbed onto her mates hand. "I'm sorry. Your fathers gone. Our Alphas...gone."
All light left out of Dakota as her wolf emerged. Growls began and Dakota's body trembled with rage. "I. Hate. Daniel."
"I know."
"He has to die," she told Reese.
Reese nodded. "I know...but you have to help our pack. And you have to be focused and sane when we take on Daniel and his new friends."
"What about the vampire I told you about?" Bryce asked.
"Daniel. He warned the vampire," Dakota answered. Reese could hear the numbness in Dakota's tone.
Bryce nodded.
Reese could see Dakota was holding her wolf in. She needed to get Dakota out of her before she turned inside this house losing control.
"When night us at our home."
Bryce nodded, understanding Reese had to get Dakota out into the wilderness. She needed to let out some of her anger. Reese kept ahold of her mates hand, pulling her up, guiding her to the front door.
"I'm going to get a small army of my vampires. With your permission, we will all come and finish this night with Daniel and every rogue dead beneath us."
Reese nodded. Before she opened the door she looked over to Bryce. He had helped, welcoming them into his home in the daylight. that showed trust that she hadn't given him at the time. "Thank you."

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