Chapter Seven

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Arriving back to pack home, Dakota and Reese ran up to the room getting dress. Reese leaned against the door taking in deep slow breaths, watching Dakota putt on a shirt. She couldn't take her eyes off of Dakota. Who in their right mind would want to. Now that Reese had her, it would be much harder to stay away. The feeling still felt dreamlike. Dakota full breast were the perfect size to fit into Reese's hand. Her flat tone abdomen made Reese want to kiss her way down to Dakota's pelvis. It was hard for Reese to be around Dakota and not touch her. Years of practice seemed to fall through the cracks now that Reese could actually hold Dakota in her arms.

They hoped the pack hadn't sense anything. It had taken years of practice for Reese to keep her emotions in check yet still many found out. Them both in such strong emotion for each other, their secrets wouldn't last much longer.

"You can't panic every time someone mentions my name?" Reese warned Dakota.

Dakota furrowed a brow. "I won't." She didn't sound too confident. Dakota was afraid of even saying Reese's name; possibly floating in a daze thinking about every part of Reese like a love sick maniac.

"Believe me, I still sweat when someone talks about you." Reese understood what it was like to hold secrets in and how easy it was to fail. Many times, it was written all through her eyes. "It's strange, but I feel closer to you more than ever, and I'm not talking just about our sexual needs," Reese said huskily.

Reese saw agreement in Dakota's eyes. "I think it's because my mating bond with Daniel is straining. My wolf has never loved him. I thought part of me did. Foolish."

Dakota traced her fingers over the outlining of Reese's shirt, up to the curve of her neck. She watched as Reese let out a soft exhale before looking into her eyes.

"Sorry," Dakota smiled shyly. "My wolf wants you, now. I want you. I know my response to all this is so fast. But...I know it has never been new. My feelings for you have always been there." Dakota stepped closer trying to maintain control. "I was stupid to mate with Daniel. My wolf was stupid for letting me. There were know...I'd see you a certain and think my thoughts were being foolish. And...I never wanted to disappoint my father."

"You know who you want now. You want to be happy. You want a change that is true. Things don't always happen the way we want. But its happening now. I could be mad at myself. i have been mad at myself, many times. I cursed my own name for not saying the truth to you. But...what matters now is that we are here now. That's what counts." Reese held Dakota's eyes. The experience of being tortured by her own thoughts brought her to be strong and honest.

"You're so beautiful. You have always been good to me. God ... why didn't I see." Dakota mind pressed with grief. So many years wasted on a man she never loved. And even before Daniel, there were so many chances to be truthful to herself and Dakota ignored it.

"You see me now." Reese maneuvered Dakota back against the door. She let the tip of her index finger rest over Dakota's chest. Reese placed her other hand above their heads leaning in against the top corner of the door. She could not stop touching Dakota. "What I would give to kiss you right now," she whispered breathless in Dakota's ear. If they continued anything the pack would smell them and begin to feel their desires.

Dakota laughed innocently as if that cheerful bubbly sound came out of her often. "Stop complimenting me or I'll get wet...again. I'm already aroused enough."

Rolling her eyes, Reese snorted playfully. "I've waited so long to hear those words," she grinned wider bringing on this charming side Dakota never knew existed. "It only took you accepting, this...for me to feel my complete self. All I need to do taste you."

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