Chapter Four

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A few hours past. Midnight was near. The sky was dark with only the moon and stars providing light.

Dakota could look up and get lost for hours. She loved the feel of the moon caressing her skin. Her wolf's soul slept in it when unruffled.

They hunted, fed, and strategize an exit plan if things went wrong. Daniel was baffled and angry when he realized he was not going to join them. Daniel used every line in the book to come, and each one was denied. The most obvious lie; him being Dakota's mate and wanting to support her. Bullshit is what Dakota smelt.

Dakota sidled her father as Reese and Shane guarded his back. If it came down to it, her father could fight his own fight with easy precision. But he was Alpha and their duty was to protect him.

They were in the parking lot of the vampires club. Dakota stared up at the bright blue glowing light; a heading that read, "Fangarian." Dakota huffed. "Really?"

Reese snorted. "What a cliche."

"Hey. It's not her club, but the vamp who owns it is pretty cool."

Dakota wanted to say something smart but they were here on business. 'later.'

After passing through the two separate sets of doors, Dakota noticed instantly three vampires standing alone in the club.

Dakota moved forward when her father stopped her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Wait for further invitation."

Nodding, Dakota waited scrutinizing the vampires.

'Don't get caught in their stare,' Dakota reminded herself. She knew who the Liege was, just by how he stood. His dirty blonde hair wavered over his eyes, with blue ... deep sea shades and dark lashes. He looked like one of those vampires she'd seen in many movies; too cute and groomed to be human. His light pale complexion worked for him.

Dakota smirk when he grinned at her as if she was on the menu. What type of menu? She wasn't sure, but it didn't matter. He'd be dead before he touched her. Dakota assumed his smug grin was their further invitation.

"Alpha," Dakota said waiting for him to take the first step forward.

Dakota's father nodded, then stepped down with her, close to him. This was business, and calling him Alpha instead of father was more appropriate.

They walked forward, Reese on Dakota's end as always and Shane on her fathers.

The female vampire looked happy to see Shane, but ignore the rest. Dakota didn't care. She wasn't here for pleasantries.

The Liege spoke first. "I'm Bryce. This is my progeny, Payden," he nodded to the abrasive woman, "and this is Matthew. He owns the club."

"Interesting," Reese said dryly. Dakota supposed the title of his club popped back into Reese's mind as she smirked.

Matthew grinned mischievous. "There is a humorous story behind the name of my club." Matthew smile deepened toward Reese. "Maybe I can tell you about it over a drink."

Dakota hadn't noticed but a small growl surfaced under her chest. She didn't like his comment rather it was a flirt and especially not a inside threat. Reese was her wolf, but there was something else that upset her by his comment. Jealousy. She didn't like the idea of him flirting with her and Dakota almost wanted to pull Reese into her side and hide Reese from his sight. Dakota took a few small breaths trying to relax.

"I didn't mean that type of drinking. Just - ah fuck. Forget it." Matthew shook his head feeling naive for his poor choice of words.

Dakota caught the Liege staring at her and snarled low. He didn't turn away like she hoped. Bryce continued his leering, seeing her annoyance. "Can we offer you all..."

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