Chapter Five

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"That went smoothly," Reese whispered in Dakota's ear once they arrived back to her fathers home.

Dakota was still upset about the meeting and having; by force, team up with that arrogant and zeal Liege, Bryce.

Opening the front door to the house, Dakota let her father walk through first, stepping to the side. The entire trip back, her body felt hot, sticky and tense with the urge to shift. Her wolf wanted to be released.

Right before Dakota left the vampires, Bryce had approached her, murmuring that he would be looking forward to their time together. She reminded him of who he was messing with and walked away.

As if she'd ever be interest in a vampire, sexually. Or any man at this point of her life.

Reese snapped her out of her never ending trance. "You don't want to partner with you?"

The tone in Reese's voice seemed to be more worried than her usual self. It was as if Dakota's answer would make Reese act one of two ways. She was questioning Dakota.

Dakota shrugged. "It doesn't matter what I want. My father made that clear."

"He was just..."

"I know. I stepped out of line." When Reese and Dakota walked upstairs into her old room, Dakota went straight for the bed, laying her head back against a pillow. She let her legs drape over.

Reese bounced onto the bed, sidling her flank. "You do have a home to go to."

Dakota gave a 'whatever' glare, putting a arm over her face.

Dakota didn't want to go home. Eventually, Daniel would be there and she didn't want him near. The only time he didn't come home is when he was off doing work for her father, or screwing a few of the women who gladly open their bed and legs to him.

He may not have been at the top of the pack but he was close, gaining small minions. Dakota had to give Daniel that; he was always good with his words. When it came down to a real all out fight, Daniel never seem to lift a claw when it mattered and everyone seem to ignore that.

Closing her eyes, Dakota tried to calm her wolf. Thinking too much, she needed a run. Her temperature was soaring and so was her need. She was aroused for some reason.

Whenever Weres got wound up, the need to hunt and run was always the outcome. But often the need to mate was dire. It released their hormones to the point of making the entire pack aroused. Most times, being mated the pack could handle it. Dakota's call was loud as if it could be literally heard.

Dakota stifled a breath, holding it in for a few seconds before exhaling. She did not want Daniel answering her call. She stopped letting him months ago.

Dakota was caught off guard when Reese's hand brushed up against her jaw line. Her entire body seemed to shudder. A small intake of air filled her lungs. Dakota opened her eyes slowly, staring back at her friend. Dakota knew her face paled. Her breath was cold to her lips.

'Was Daniel right?'

Ever since he told her how Reese felt, Dakota's own thoughts of Reese changed. She was really looking at her for the first time and all she saw was beauty. It was always there, and she always acknowledged it, but this time she felt it.

Reese stared down at her a moment. "You need to shift. The pack can feel your call strongly, which is strange." Dakota was always in check with her frenzied sexual moments. The pack feeling it now, indicated something was off. "I suppose you're not going to mate with Daniel tonight, So go shift, before everyone gets wound up because of you." Reese's speaking seemed out of breath. Dakota noticed Reese flushed as her eyes darted everywhere.

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