Chapter Ten

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"Are you telling me her stories were true?" Dakota was in disbelief.

Reese nodded. "I know it sounds crazy,"

Dakota laughed exaggeratedly. "You think?"

"There is someone we can ask," Reese said.

"Who?" Dakota said, trying to sound supportive to Reese's idea. "Hope you're not talking about my father."

"No," Reese paused, huffing out. "Bryce." Saying his name aloud, Reese wanted to rip her own tongue out for mentioning his name. Their happiness was bigger than Reese's personal view of Bryce.


"As much as I hate asking him about anything, from what I hear, he's older than your father."

Dakota wanted to protest, but Reese was right and she owed her to find out.

"Just ... don't tell him too much. I don't trust him."

"I know," Dakota grinned.

Reese pressed her hands down the curve of Dakota's hips, stealing a kiss. With a sultry grin, she moved her hand further down, cupping Dakota's ass.

Dakota groaned.

"We've been talking too long," Reese acknowledged.

Dakota knew why Reese met her here tonight. Her need told her as much.

Heart racing, Reese brought her lips over Dakota's, kissing her ferociously.

Dakota intertwined their fingers together, guiding Reese into her bedroom.

Dakota's eyes watered with eagerness. This would be the moment they expressed their love. Although they hadn't spoken the words out loud, they both knew they loved each other.

The only light that entered the room was the moon matching their gold eyes.

Dakota wrapped her arms around Reese's shoulders, taking her mouth like a thief, hungrily and urgent. Slowly their kisses turned into soft nips and licks. Dakota broke their kiss momentarily. Want and dire need was in Reese's smoky eyes. "I'm done wasting time. I know what I want to experience with you. I'm ready," Dakota whispered, scared but ready.

Reese shivered from Dakota's words, running her fingers through Dakota's hair. Her hands trembled with excitement and nervousness flooding her at once. Reese waited and dreamed for this day to come. Thought about what she would do. She would waste no more time wondering anymore.

Stifling a breath, Reese slowly gazed down at Dakota's breast. She could see her harden nipples through the cotton material of Dakota's tank top. It was like seeing Dakota through new eyes. Reese seen her best friend, now lover naked many times. Now that their relationship had become more, everything felt new.

Reese ran her fingers down Dakota's waist.

Tugging it up, she took off Dakota's shirt, teasingly slow, gliding her pinky against her hot skin. Dakota shuddered under her touch and Reese smiled widely.

Reese tossed it to the side with her eyes still on Dakota. Leaving Dakota's breast bare and exposed, Reese could smell the wetness between Dakota's thighs. "I want to taste you."

Touching the mid-section of Dakota's stomach, Reese trailed her fingers up the swell of her breast.

When Reese's thumb slid over the peak of Dakota's caremel nipple, Dakota gasped, dropping her head back.

Reese began playing with her nipples between her fingers, tugging, and squeezing them gently. The pleasure Dakota was receiving was erotic.

Dakota watched as Reese stripped off her own shirt and then slid out her jeans naked.

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