Chapter 22

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"What did you not tell us?" Even Matthew stared dumbfounded at Bryce.

Taking a few steps back, Bryce put himself in view of everyone.
"Start speaking." Dakota wasn't giving him an option.
"Alexander has--" he looked down at Alexander's devoured corpus--"had something of mines."
Everyone seemed to go into a more bewildered state.
"What was so important that you couldn't tell us this before?" Matthew sounded hurt by Bryce deceiving actions.
Not telling Dakota, Reese and their pack was one thing but Matthew was his closest friend.
"The more important question...what was it?"
Bryce shifted to Reese from her direct question. "It's a moonstone."
"Yeah...right..." one of the humans snickered.
None of the vampires and werewolves laughed. Not even Patrice.
"Humans...go." Dakota's voice brought upon command.
They nodded.
"Patrice..." Reese called out having Dakota look at her mate with a brow raised. Through their own non-verbal communication Reese said, "you can stay."
Dakota decided to clue Patrice in. "A moonstone is a crescent that was made at the first both of vampires and werewolves. It it the element that forces Weres to shift on full moons and vampires unable to rise out to the sun."
"It is also none to form hybrids and the person who holds the stone, controls the one he or she chooses to turn into a hybrid." Matthew finished.
"That is why Alexander was so sure he would be able to control me." Dakota snarled, facing back to Bryce. "You knew what he intended and the high chance of him having the ability to control me and you said nothing."
The tightness in Dakota's chest also held strong in Reese's. She stepped closer to Be. "My gut was always right about you."
"I didn't know if I could trust--"
"And what about me. Your brother. At least that's what you call me." Matthew seemed so distraught.
"I trust you. I did not want to risk--"
"Why shouldn't I kill you like I did him?" Dakota pointed down at Alexander's dead body. Her voice was rough and sharp. Her body stiff, forcing herself to hold back on her shift. "My life and packs lives were put at risk because of your secret. There were other ways we would have handled all of this if I'd known the truth."
"Don't threaten my Sire," Payden sneered.
In swift movement everyone went on edge, all in defensive stances.
Patrice stood at Dakota's side automatically.
   In a casual motion, Dakota straightened her posture, everyone on her side looking at her for a signal.
   "Did you see where Alexander hid it?" Bryce was still focused on the moonstone.
   "Why is it so important to you?" Dakota asked coolly.
   "We don't want that moonstone to end up in the wrong hands." Bryce stood firm.
   "I agree," Reese said. Her eyes were fixed on him. "You may not be an evil vampire. But you are no longer invited into our territory. And no longer considered an ally."
   "I think that's up to Dakota," Bryce sneered. "I have the best interest for my vampires and your pack."
   "My mate has gave you our answer." Dakota stepped in closer, everyone amplifying the tension. "You will have to earn a part in my packs eyes to be a trusted ally." Dakota looked around, "till then...I don't really care to know you. And...your no longer invited in my territory, as of now."
   Reese squeezed her hands, ready for a fight if it came to that point. "You should leave." Her voice was dry and rough.
   Bryce nodded and in an inhuman speed Bryce and Payden were gone.
   "Patrice..." Matthew lingered.
   "If Dakota and Reese has allowed me, I will be apart of her pack. You will always be my uncle, but she will also be be my Alpha." Patrice looked over at Dakota and Reese to see their reaction to her statement.
   "She'll be one of us by the end of the night."
   Matthew looked back at Patrice accepting her decision and left.
   "Everyone head back to the pack."
   Dakota was left alone, Reese beside her as always.
   "How was it?"
   Reese faced her mates question, kissing Dakota hard. Her arms swarmed around Dakota's waist hold her close and tight. When their lips separated, Reese responded. "Daniel had the death he deserved."
   "We'll keep this pack safe now that we have the stone." Dakota pulled it out of Reese's front pocket putting it into hers. She'd slid it into Reese's pocket the moment she got close to her mate earlier.
   "I'm sorry I did not trust your instincts in trusting Bryce."
   Reese shook her head. "He was good enough to trust in helping us fight our enemies. We needed him and he helped. But, we no longer need his assistance."

   "lets get back to the pack."


   Dakota and Reese found the pack settled in front of their home, awaiting their arrival.

   "is it really over?" Cindy walked up to them, slipping around Dakota's arms. Dakota was caught off guard by Cindy's affection for her, no longer fearful of Dakota's dominance.

   Absently, Dakota ran her fingers through Cindy's hair noticing the other cubs looking jealous from what they were missing out on.

   Reese snickered. "You have more who want time with you."

   Looking at the cubs, Dakota waved them over and they all rushed her way in excitement. as Dakota supplied the cubs with love Reese walked over to Shane. "How are you feeling?"

   "You think Dakota will still let me stay in contact with Payden?"

   "What do you think?"

   Shane nodded.

   "I trust you and your loyalty to this pack. I have no concern with you staying in contact with Payden. though..." Dakota walked over with her arms crossed, a suspicious glare in her eyes..."I don't know why."

   "Everyone gather." Reese forced everyone's attention onto her. The pack walked up, silent. "Tonight, we faced our enemies and won."

   The pack cheered their victory, silencing again when Dakota began to speak. "I know many of you did not sign up for the troubles we've faced. And you did not sign up for the Alpha I have become.For who I am and who I love. But for the eighty-seven years I have been alive all I've learned was to become your Alpha. We're different from each other. Some born. Those who love in different forms. And turned Weres."

   Dakota kept her voice solid and unshaken. "Patrice."

   Patrice walked up to Dakota. The rest of the humans stood where they originally were.

   "I am willing to turn you, but...only you."

    Patrice looked over to her friends, one of them being her boyfriend. they all looked at each other with perplexity.

   "We did all you--"

   "Yes, you did." Reese spoke up. "We do not turn humans. This will be our first time, purposely turning a human into a werewolf. If we're going to turn anyone, its someone we feel would make a better werewolf than human."

     "Respect our decision, because it is our final one." Dakota stood tall, leaving no room for argument. There was nothing more to say.

   Soon, the human's uninvited to becoming a Were left and Dakota was left to the viewing of her pack. Reese curled to her mate and Alpha's side with pride. "Do you suspect that Bryce knows we have the moonstone?"

   "Of course he knows. He's not naive. The only thing I want to find out is he truly in path to being our friend or will he try and retrieve it?"

   "We'll find out soon enough."

   Dakota nodded. "For now, we can enjoy this night and our win."

   There was always going to be circumstances that tried to intervene and get in their way but standing together as a pack, they would never separate and always win. The pack held strong as one heart and that was something know one could break.

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