Chapter 20

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   "Do you have what you need?" Dakota question was addressed to Patrice and the few that stood at her side.
   With a quick gesture, Patrice held up her katana with a gun in her other hand.
   That answered her question.
   "We're just going to stroll up to them and ask where to find Alexander before we let him come to you?"
   Matthew's dry sarcasm was a intolerance Dakota wanted to strip out of him for her sake. "No." Feeling her mate approach, Dakota silenced until Reese's arms were wrapped around her stomach. "We're going to just kill everyone on site and leave one to run back to Alexander leading us."
   "Who do you suppose that one, will be?" Reese asked, moving to her mates side already knowing her answer.
   Dakota smirked. "Daniel is a coward at the end of the day." Moving toward the bar in the den, Dakota poured herself six shots of tequila, downing each of them consecutively. "He'll prepare to run the moment he smells us."
   "What do you intend to do?" Bryce pointed to a shot glass for himself. "May I?"
   Dakota waved, stepping aside to her mate.
   "Feel better?" Reese asked..being a Werewolf it took more than a few shots for Dakota to feel any effects from the tequila.
   She felt a little now. Kissing Reese on the lips, Dakota sighed soon after facing back to everyone. "Everyone will stay and make sure Daniel's minions are dead. I will follow him."
   "He will smell you," Patrice said, making that observation.
   Dakota smiled despite the fact that she found it exasperating when anyone made open uninvited statements that she already knew and puzzled together. She wasn't naive to her own ways and the abilities of others. It wasn't something she needed to get worked up about. Patrice seemed like a great woman and a potential great and much useful Were if she ended up turning her.
   "I want him to smell me. To know I'm hunting him. After what he did...his fear toward me will be so strong, I won't need to follow him after a while. He'll just leave a trial."
   "Is he that dumb to--"
   "Yes. He's that stupid and cowardice. He would risk exposing us of Alexander's location just so he can feel safe within the walls of powerful vampires, or anyone strong enough to make him feel like he's not in danger."
   Cutting Patrice boyfriend off of his question, Dakota stifled a snarl.
   "My mate has been around longer than your parents existence." Reese stepped toward Patrice and the two other people who came with her, including the boyfriend. "Don't concern yourself with those types of questions. She doesn't need anyone trying to cover all her basis."
   Patrice nodded. "My apologies, Alpha and Prima."
   Shane snorted. "You've been around vampires too long." Rolling his eyes toward Matthew, "you don't need to bow your head like that with us."
   "Right...werewolves aren't polite with manners and formality." Payden teasing and the smile on her face gave Dakota the indication she was joking. Partly.
   "And vampires are mind fuckers," Shane retorted in a playful manner.
   "You liked my mind fucking--"
   "Payden. I don't think any of us wants to here the rest," Bryce said. He acted like a father about to hear his daughter talk about her sexual encounters with the guy right in front of him.
   "Tonight is more than about catching Daniel, Alexander, and their followers." Dakota turned to Patrice. "Show me your deserving of being a Were. More importantly, deserving of being a part of my pack and I'll turn you."
   Excitement danced in Patrice eyes, nodding quick.
   Dakota left Cindy in charge of the cubs of her pack as for a few dominant, the twins, in charge of the rest. They may have challenged Dakota but they were great Weres and would do right by the pack.
   It took them no time in finding Daniel's location due to one of Dakota's pack members followed his trial.
   He was staying in a lodge, a few Weres sitting on the porch not catching their scent.
   "Will this be a quiet kill or do we announce ourselves loudly?" Shane asked.
   Dakota twisted her gave behind her to Patrice. "Are you good with that bow?"
   She grinned. "Very."
   I waved an opportunity for her to get in front. "Have at it."
   Patrice stepped up front placing a silver tip arrow in line with the bow anchor. Her body arched straight, focusing on her first target. Releasing, they all watched as the arrow penetrated through one of the Weres chest. He roared out, alerting the rest as the second one scrambled to his feet.
   Before he had a chance to turn into the house Patrice already had her second arrow launched and through his chest. He dropped harsh and fast to the porch floor as Weres already shifted ran out.
   Dakota sniffed the air and smiled. "He's already running."
   "How predictable," Reese snarled. "I'm going with you."
   "I know," Dakota said.
   Without speaking Dakota ran off in her chase after Daniel, Her mate by her side.
   "I already taste his flesh in my mouth," Reese snarled.
   "I feel equally the same."
   By the scent Daniel left, Dakota could literally smell his distress and fear like a cologne.
   They ran through the woods for nearly thirty minutes in non stop unnatural speed, crossing through a few trials and roadways. Taking in a deep inhale, Dakota no longer needed to chase. They were here. The question was where.
   They stood in open space, no sight of a house, building, or anything.
   "Fuck," Dakota snarled, pulling her mate close to her. Seems Alexander was a few steps ahead of us, expecting Dakota and her pack to find Daniel and chase him. "He saw this coming."
   "Daniel is too--"
   "Not Daniel." Reese looked at me and nodded. "Hold your hands up. And whatever happens trust that we both will get through this."
   Reese snarled. "I always will."
   " were right." Daniel smirked walking out into the open. "She would chase me not even considering the odds of me setting her up into a trap." Daniel held a gun in his hand waving it between Reese and Dakota.
   "Daniel. Don't be arrogant. You would have been caught and dead if I had not thought of this plan." A man stood beside Daniel within seconds moving in unrecognizable speed. He tilted his head to one side, smiling mischievous. Sapphire simmered from his car shaped eyes, blond hair slicked back and trimmed right as his bottom hair line. He had a lengthy slender build.
   "Alexander, I presume." Dakota kept her wolf at bay.
   He bowed his head, smiling as he purposely exposed his fangs. It was his way of letting them know he was a predator. "I was only expecting you actually." His eyes danced over to Reese and absently, Dakota snarled a warning. "I have no reason to harm your mate. Unless you give me one."
How long will it take for the rest to show up?
   Reese spoke to Dakota through their bond.
I'm sure their all close now, deciding a tactical plan.
   "You know what I want?" Alexander asked.
   "Yes," Dakota said.
   "Of course, you do. You tortured my progeny for it."
   "Well...I did leave him alive long enough to see you one last time."
   Alexander sneered, standing beside Dakota a knife penetrated through her abdomen. Dakota grunted, turning to her mate to stop before she made a reaction to his assault. "He is still a live. Barely. Impressive that your bite is capable of killing vampires. But...I want you to reverse what you did."
   Despite the knife in her gut Dakota spoke as if still having all her cards in the game. "Who says there's a cure?"
   "I've been around for a while. I know there's a cure."
   Sweat trickled down Dakota's forehead, struggling to take a normal breath as Alexander dug the knife deeper into her. "I never learned that part."
   "You think this a game to me. If he does...she dies." He pointed to her mate.
   "The way I see it. If you don't let her go...he will die." Dakota's eyes trained straight into his, not fearful of Alexander. She was now the Alpha and a strong one at that. Whoever this vampire was and however long he's been around in this world did not matter to her.
   "Dakota," Reese shouted out not liking this plan.
   "You will go," Dakota snarled at her mate leaving no room for argument. Trust me.
   Reese eyes looked heavy on her mate and than turned to Alexander, gold bright.
   He nodded for Reese to leave.
   "Don't take long," Reese told her mate.
   Dakota smiled. "I won't."
   Reese walked carefully backwards, not turning her back to her enemies, not sure where the rest of Alexander's followers were.
   She back tracked into the direction Dakota and her entered through, trusting that Bryce and the rest were near, planning like Dakota said.
   " I dreamt it would be." Alexander sneered telling his vampires to bring out Joshua. They had to carry Joshua to the opening, his skin cyanotic through out, his veins dark blue around the bite site Dakota bit him at. Skin clammy and paler than a vampires usual. "Help him."
   Pulling the knife out of Dakota, she grunted giving herself time to heal. "He doesn't look to good."
   "You see what I mean?" Daniel snarled. "She has a smart mouth even when she has no advantage." Daniel walked up. "She didn't have much to say when I put a bullet in her."
   Dakota's gaze shifted slowly to Daniel. "You killed my father." Standing erect, Dakota balled her fingers into the palm of her hands, Her claws piercing through her skin. It was the only way to hold back her wolf a bit longer. A low growl surfaced. "Before this might ends...I will be ripping you apart, literally." Her canines exposed, as if a signature to that promise.
   Absently, Daniel stepped back cowardly.
   "You're wasting time." Alexander vampires gathered around Dakota. "Heal my progeny."
   Dakota could go ahead and heal Joshua. She'll kill him and the rest before the sun came up.
   Stepping toward Joshua, who laid on the ground nearly in his true death path, Dakota kneel down beside him. Biting into her wrist, Dakota tore lightly through her flesh, holding her wrist over Joshua's mouth. Blood dropped into his mouth, his tongue running over his lips, opening his mouth wider.
   He groaned trying to lift himself up to bite her and she stood up fast.
   Before Dakota could turn, Alexander wrapped silver chains around her throat and she snarled from the burning of the silver. He kicked the back of her leg, dropping her to her knees. "He wasn't finished."
   Using her Alpha strength, Dakota heaved her fingers around the silver chain, lunging her upper body forward, in an abdominal crunch formation. Alexander flung over Dakota's body, flipping easily, back into a standing position.
   Dakota rolled backwards, twisting to dig her claws into a vampires neck as she tried approaching.
   Two more came her way. Dakota leaped up from her knees landing softly on the balls of her feet than leaping again, twisting into a round house kick.
   In the mist of her leap she triggered the knife that was secretly placed within her bottom front boots.
   As she kicked the first vampire, the knife sliced deep across his neck, splitting him open a few inches deeper.
   Dakota landed back on her feet in time to use that same foot to do an upper front kick, the knife penetrating him from the bottom of his chin through his mouth. Dakota rushed him, ripping his windpipe out.
   Alexander hissed, "you will die tonight."
   "I was just thinking that about you," Dakota retorted. "Vampires and their greedy ways." She pointed to down to Joshua, "he should have not been too greedy."
   Alexander turned to his progeny, a horrified glare coming through his eyes to find Joshua dead. His body slowly molding. "What did you do?"
   Dakota snorted. "You forgot...I have fae blood in me."
   Eyes widening, Alexander took a few staggering steps back. Fae blood was poisoning to a vampire.
   "Please tell do you plan to become hybrid if you can consume Fae blood?" Dakota looked at him curiosity.
   "Who said...I wanted to consume the blood for myself?" Alexander smirked despite his loss. "I am very strong already and I love being only a vampire. I would never want Were blood coursing through me."
   Before Dakota asked the realization hit her.
   "But...I can consume fae blood. I've been alive too long and over the years I have trained my body to build a tolerance."
   Taking a step back, Dakota felt something sharp pierce through her backside as she slowly watched it penetrate all the way through to her front side. A silver sword pierced through her shoulder, Dakota snarled, dropping to her knees as Alexander ordered his vampires to bring out someone unfamiliar to Dakota.
   Daniel grinned walking up to her. "You'll be Alexander's bitch soon enough."
   In the mist of her troubles Dakota's wolf roared knowing she was in trouble and now in need of her pack and allies.

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