Chapter 11

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The shivers just crawled all over my spine. My body was shaking, my face was pail. I was in the bathroom, with my arms stretched out in the sink. My face was looking down at the sink. I turned on the sink and started to splash my face with the water.

I put my hand over my heart it was a bit racing. This whole entire puppet thing was just ridiculous. I got out of the bathroom and went to the main entrance of the airport.

"How may I help you?" Her accent was a bit heavy. It wasn't heavy enough. I can still understand her.

"I would like a plane ticket to America." I told her.

"$657 ma'am." I took out my wallet and gave the money to her.

"Okay ma'am here's you ticket, and have fun in America." She smiled at me so I waved back.

A/N: I Am so sorry that barely nothing happened in this chapter :(. But it was important because I didn't want to confuse you. Find out what happens next in the next chapter!

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