Chapter 5- Abandoned before the Sunset

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7 years later, 007 VC
Tick, tock, tick, tock.

The only clock in the cottage could be heard. Gretel bounced excitedly on the couch, the strands of her long braided dark hair moving against her jump.

" Hey!" Her twin brother, Hansel said, standing in front of her, " That's my spot!"

The girl barely frowned as she slid to the other side. Her hand went to the surface of the glass bottle carried by string around her neck. Something tugged at the back of her mind, a feeling wanting to be felt.

" D'ya know where Ma and Pa are taking us?" Hansel tapped his sister's shoulder, pulling her back to reality.

She shook her head, "Dunno. Maybe we're gonna go apple picking?"

"Apple picking?" He snorted, "we 'ave a lot of fruits in the kitchen."

"Then we ask 'em." Gretel adds, standing up and brushing off dust from her skirt.

The twins made their way to the doorless bedroom where their parents slept. Before she could continue the lead, Gretel slowed her pace once she heard voices raised.

"I don't care if they're just children, Maria!"

"Joseph, I killed their mother, we can't just leave them out there."

"We have​ been starving for days now! Eating raw? Forget it, it's not enough for the four of us."

Confused, Gretel approached them, "Ma, Pa!" She greeted.

The couple were surprised. Joseph looked at them, casting a quick glance at his wife. Maria had bloodshot eyes, her light-blue hair was a bit messy.

"What's going on?" Asked Hansel.

Maria's expression quickly changed to a smile, "We were just making sure everything's safe for you two, dear."

This was the same change of expression Gretel always saw whenever she ran to her mother. Telling her about nightmares that kept repeating over and over- her mother getting killed while carrying the twins in her arms. The woman just quickly assured her it would never happen.

"So are we going?" said Gretel.

Maria just kept her smile, "Uh-huh!"

The twins shouted in joy.

"Let's go now," Joseph told them.


The forest trees covered the sky, preventing light from illuminating the path this family was taking. Joseph and Maria walked in front of the twins.

"Ma, where are we going?" asked Gretel.

Maria just looked at her with a face of emotion she couldn't know why- was that regret? Before the girl could say anything, her mother had already looked away.

Hansel was puzzled, "Are we going ta meet God, Pa?"

Joseph looked back at him, just like how his wife looked at the other twin. Hansel, feeling ashamed but more confused, immediately looked down.

The four continued their journey, past the light they went. Until light no longer remained. Hansel and Gretel kept walking blindly. Crows flew by and cawed, an eerie static filled the air.

It was at that moment that Gretel realized something was wrong, "Ma? Pa?"

Her eyes widened as she ran forward, but no one was ahead.

"Where are they?" said Hansel, now stopping in his tracks. Gretel began to hyperventilate, the darkness of the forest was swallowing her.

"No, no, no, no, no!" She shouted. Her hands instinctively went to the small bottle, as it was always her comfort whenever she felt something was wrong. Then a small speck of light shimmered inside the bottle.

Hansel's eyes fell on the bottle, "Woah,"

Gretel raised the bottle up high, the small light revealing the path before them. "Let's keep going," She says to her brother.

The twins didn't feel like they were lost. They bravely trekked down the path, the sky still hidden from above.  They walked and walked, the path never shifted.

Then they arrived at a cottage. "This is the witch's house," Hansel announces, smiling. Gretel returned his smile as he stood beside her.

Knock, knock, knock, knock.

Footsteps, then the door opened. The light-blue haired witch and her henchman were inside.

"Children?" She said in disbelief, "H-How did you find us?"

Hansel and Gretel's smiles grew wider as they slowly inched towards the couple. The monsters were confused, fear starting to grow as they moved backwards. The twins' shadows began to shift, growing horns on their heads and claws on their hands.

Hansel's shadow moved first, grabbing the henchman's arm and forcing him down on the ground. He tried to fight back, but he was no match for the sharp claws that came down on him.

Maria screamed, which caught Gretel's attention. The girl slowly approached the woman as she backed up against an oven.

"Don't do this," The witch pleaded. But Gretel only ignored her. Maria could feel the heat of the open oven beating on her back.

Then Gretel pushed her.

The woman fell backwards and the flames only grew larger. Hansel stood beside Gretel, unfazed and sharing her smile.

"We did it," said the girl, "We killed the witch and her henchman,"

Then the orange color of the flames turned a hue of light blue. The twins looked down on the oven. Beside ashes, an orb- the source of the light, was on the bottom. Gretel extended her hands, and it floated upwards to her grasp.

"She has... good in her?" Gretel wondered.

"It's too powerful," says Hansel. He searched the kitchen and then returned with a knife in hand. Gretel nodded, knowing what he was going to do. As the knife carved out the orb, each piece turned a different color.

Purity, the Water.

Temperance, the Gem.

Humility, the Dust.

Kindness, the Flower.

Diligence, the Sand.

Charity, the Glass.

And Forgiveness, the Sun.

All seven Virtues rose to the sky. The red, setting sun could now be seen.

"Now, we have to find our real Pa and Ma,"

((A/N: Eyyy, guess who's back?))

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