Chapter 9: The Sanity of Agnes Gray

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Two sets of footsteps echoed on the marble floor, but their owners remained hidden from any passing guard or servant. The invisibility spell rippled around Sela and Agnes as they made their way down the hall with a small yet bright ball of light hovering above their heads.

The invited’s room was in the same hallway assigned to them, but helping them escape was a different problem not so easily solved with a mere invisibility spell. Two guards vigilantly watch the door; they would certainly notice if it opened on its own.

“Stay behind me,” Sela whispered. She stepped forward and summoned power with the flick of a wrist. It coursed through her veins, enveloping her body like a silent gust of wind. She imagined sitting on the throne, the jeweled crown on her head, looking down on the peasants who grovel at her feet, who beg for mercy and cower in fear at her power.

“Evening, gentlemen,” When she spoke, King Lucas’s voice greeted the guards. They calmly bowed down before her, as if it was usual for the king to take nightly strolls.

One of the guards opened the door for her, and she simply nodded as she stepped inside. She waited until Agnes’s footsteps resounded in the room before she closed the door, and the magic conjuring the king’s image dispersed into nothing.

Several voices gasped in the darkness in front of her. A table lamp flickered to light, illuminating many women with widened eyes. Sela held her hands up in a placating manner, speaking in a hushed tone, “We’re here to rescue you.”

The women murmured amongst themselves, no doubt wondering whether or not to trust these two strangers.

“Aggie?” One of them spoke. Sela recognized her as the woman who observed them a while ago.

Agnes rushed to her, tears brimming her eyes, “Adeline!” The two sisters embraced.

Sela allowed a moment of silence as they reunited. They deserved it, after all.

“Agnes,” She finally spoke, “Can you make sure they all get out safely?” She was met with the girl’s fierce nod.

Another pang of guilt crashed into Sela’s heart. It was possibly selfish to think about what one could have upon seeing another find happiness. Still, she longed to see the day where he gathered her in his arms again, his heart beating, alive-

“What is the meaning of this?” The muffled voice of the king- the real king, shouted in outrage.

Sela turned around to face the door, its knob was jiggling and starting to turn. They were discovered.

The door flung open, revealing an angered king. He glared at Sela standing in his way. But before he could speak, a loud BANG! echoed in the chamber. Sela summoned the winds and flung him backwards into the wall behind him. The two guards raised their spears, but they, too, joined their king.

“Run!” Sela barked the order at the women behind her. As she walked towards the fallen king, they scrambled and fled.

The two guards lay crumpled on the ground, their heads bowed. But Lucas opened his eyes: they shined in the color of blood. The shadow behind him grew and morphed into two humongous wings.

Sela gathered the winds in her palm, but Lucas simply flicked his wrist. Powerful air grabbed her and tossed her to the side, sending her to the floor.

The impact dazed her, spots appeared in her vision as she slowly rose to her feet and leaned on a pillar for support. When her vision cleared, a monster stood before her. King Lucas sprouted two bat wings, and vines of darkness enveloped his body. The demon hunting for the Spirit of Purity took host in the king, and now it manifested its powers through him.

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