Chapter 10: A Trick on the Dusk

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The sun began to descend into the Arroga Sea, bathing its waves and its namesake kingdom in a bright orange hue. Only two people traversed the sands- the young royal twin sisters. The setting sun casted a crimson color over their brown skin as they played alone.

“Come on, Olivia!” The elder twin, Basilia yelled. Her sister slowly followed her lead, kicking at the sand whenever her toes dug into them.

They rarely visited the beach, and when they did they couldn’t wander off without guards watching their every move. For now, they enjoyed their freedom.

“Are you scared?”

“No,” Olivia quickly looked up and pouted, as if she had been caught, “I-I got us out of here in the first place!”

Basilia giggled in response, and Olivia couldn’t help but laugh, too. Her sister’s joy was infectious.

They marched closer to the waves, their feet sinking deeper into softer sand.

“What’s that?” Basilia pointed at poked holes in the sand.

Olivia drew nearer and leaned down to get a better look, “Papa told me those are crab holes. The crabs go into the sand to live there.”

“Should I cover them?”

“No! They might die!”

The twins gazed at the holes for a long time, imagining the crabs emerging and crawling around the beach. Every now and then, the waves would crash into the shore and surround their feet.

“Hello children,” a hollow voice spoke.

They turned around to see a silhouette seated on a picnic mat with their legs crossed, its hand resting on a wicker basket.

“Would you like to eat with me?” It asked.

The twins narrowed their eyes and looked at each other, as if the silhouette was dumb.

“You don’t have any food,” Olivia pointed out.

The silhouette slapped its knees, “I know!” It wailed, “we can’t have a picnic without food. Do you have any?”

Olivia reached deep into the pockets of her dress and pulled out a cheese sandwich wrapped in plastic, “Here.”

The silhouette’s eyes lit up, “Thank you, my dear princess!”

She tilted her head to the side in suspicion, “How do you know that?”

“Why, the generosity!” It began to unwrap the sandwich as it leaned forward, “Princesses are always kind to their subjects, and never hesitate to give when they’re in need! I am forever in your debt."

The younger twin remained apprehensive, she opened her mouth to ask another question, but a servant’s voice echoed from the palace, “Your Highnesses?”

“We have to go!” Basilia grabbed Olivia’s hand and ran to the palace, saying a quick “Bye!” as they headed back home.

The silhouette smiled as it took a bite from the sandwich, waving them goodbye with its other hand.


Loud knocks thundered on the door, shaking it as a worried voice yelled, “Court mage, we need you!”

Sela shot up from her place in her bed, startled by the sound. She ran to the door, turning the knob open to reveal a maid in the other side, her face stricken with panic. She said nothing and followed her.

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