The Beginning

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Hi this is both of us and we r going to be writing about a unicorn....... Just kidding. I am not allowed to write about one. So this will be about two Demi-gods finding out their identity, but won't be any of the seven. Hope you like it! -TinkerbellAlli
I was walking through the halls of my ginormous high school and boom just suddenly, that really big, football player, kid almost ran over, I mean come on can't I grow any faster. Sorry, I didn't introduce myself, my name is Catherine. I am 5 foot, have long brown hair, color changing eyes, don't really care about what clothes I wear, sing constantly, and everyone else is taller than me at my high school. I mean you turn your headed for a second and boom, bam, however you would say it, you crash into a person. I ran over to my best friend Zoe who was taking her books out of her red locker.
"Again! You need to stop turning your head." She stated aloud.
"Really?" I said sarcastically. We started taking about homework and tests that were due. We started heading to French class but, we heard a crash and looked behind us and saw a weird, monster, thing with 7 arms, that was really scary. Me and Zoe screamed.

Zoe's POV
You think it was going to be another boring day of school. Well apparently my life changed for better or worse, you tell me after I tell you this story. Oh I forgot to introduce myself, I'm sorry. My name is Zoe. I am 5'3 about an average height for other girls. I'm 15 and I am quiet shy, but manage around other people after a while. I hope we become great friends. Now for my story

I walk into school on any other normal, sunny day. After entering the school I walk to my locker and grab my supplies for my first hour class. Right as I close my locker, my friend, Catherine, came up to me and I sighed.
"You've got to stop turning your head."
Catherine replied in a sarcastic tone "Really?" I just laugh and began to walk to class as we talked about homework and tests and when they were due. Before we went our separate ways, we heard a loud crash behind us. Of coarse being our curious selves we turned around to see what happened. I have to say, I regret that.

Standing in front of us was a 7 foot creature with 7 arms. It was green and had 3 eyes, at the top of its head little horns were sticking out. It's teeth sharp as a knife seem to look like it was dripping venom. I drop my books, petrified and I scream. So did Catherine. We looked at each other and the people around us. Strange thing was they weren't scared like us, in fact they looked at us weirdly. Some girl came up and said it was just a student. Okay then. Me and Catherine started running down the halls, pushing past people. I looked behind to see the monster following us. I turn back to see her running for her life. "Keep running" I yell to Catherine as I push the door opens to the outside world.

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