The Truth

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Zoe PoV

As we walk back to our houses to tell our parents on what is going on, many things were running through my mind. I was deep into thought that I hadn't realized we had reach our homes. I accidentally ran into the girl, Zelia was her name? I don't know. "Sorry" I say quietly. She must've not heard me as she just stood there not saying anything. "Catherine I'm going to go get my father" I walk to my house which was next to Catherine. Let me tell you a little story. My mother, she left me when I was 2 or 3. It wasn't a good time either. We were struggling with keeping a mortgage for our house, my dad didn't have a job yet, so it was only my mom that worked. My mom left saying she has had enough working and that she never got a break. Well I mean, that's what my dad told me. But whenever I ask about mom, he would always get worked up about it and told me that I will know once the time has come. Anyways it's just me and my dad living in a small home. He is a real-estate agent so he makes some good money to keep a roof over our heads.

I walk up to my door, but I find that it's locked. Probably for safety reasons. I knock on the door. I hear my father yelling that he was coming. After a few seconds past, I hear a click and then the door was swung open. My dad looked at me confused. "What are you doing here?" He questions "shouldn't you be at school young lady" he crosses his arms. I look up at him "um.... It's a long story, but you need to come next door." I say. He slowly nods, probably already knowing what's gonna happen. I walk back over with my dad and walk into Catherine's house. "Catherine I'm back with my father!" I yell. "We're in the living room!" She yells back. I walk into the living room seeing Catherine, her mom, and Zelia sitting down. "Mr. Parker, do you know what going on" I look at my dad. "I-I think so" he replies with a sigh. I sit down on a chair. "Okay we may sound crazy but it's true, just please hear us out." I say carefully. The parents nod and I take a deep breath.

After almost 20 minutes of explaining, I look at both parents. My dad looks to the ground and sighs. "I'm afraid it's time I tell you the truth about who you are" he says. "Yes, I honestly though this wouldn't be till later" says Catherine's mom. They look at each other like they are having a conversation between themselves. My dad nods and turns to me. "What you saw.... Earlier at school, that wasn't an illusion, and your not crazy for seeing it." He says "he is right, what Zelia told you girls, she is correct. Both of you are half-bloods. Both of you have a godly parent" Catherine mom states. " But what about the girl who said it was just a student" Catherine protests. "That was the mist, it forms things like monsters, into something that is believable to mortals." Her mom replies back "for example" my father starts "To you half-bloods you would see.... A giant ship in the sky, but to not mortals. The mist may make us think it's an airplane" I nod my head I understanding.

"Okay, this is all to much to take in, are you sure we're half-bloods, is this a prank?" Catherine says "I'm afraid not my child" her mom says. Zelia steps in "I'm sorry, but we have to get to camp half-blood before it gets dark and the worst monsters come out." Both parents nod and stand up. "Yes, you should go, it's not safe anymore" my father hugs me tightly "just message us when it's safe" Catherine's mom states. Me and Catherine exchange nervous looks. Even tough our parents explained some things, we were still confused. "Let's go" Zelia says, already walking towards the door. We follow her out the door and get into a car, that wasn't there before we came. We hop in and we drive off to camp half-blood.

Hello, my demigods in training. That was my character Zoe PoV. I hope you enjoy it and please vote. Me and TinkerbellAlli will alternate for every chapter. So the next chapter is Catherine's PoV. I hope you enjoyed this one, and please Check out my other stories I am writing. Thank you :)

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