The Arrow

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Really? My own mom lied to me. How could this happen? I looked out of the cracked, damaged, glassy car window. It wasn't the best car ever. It had a peeling black color on the outside, the cloth on the inside floor was covered in dirt, and the leather seats were tearing. I started to wonder who was my godly parent. My mom told me that it was my dad and that he had to leave because all the gods were sent to Olympus.
The driver turned on music while all of these questions were repeating in my head. I decided that the best way to relive the tension was to sing so, I started singing to the Broadway Station. Everything I sang made me feel more relaxed and calm. Finally,one of my favorite songs came on and at the same time we came to a stop. I looked outside and we were on the side of a road watching the forest. "What are we doing here?" I asked the driver.
Zelia answered for him and told me "We are at the camp."
"But all we see is trees and grass. This is so confusing!" Zoe responded.
"It is hidden behind all of the trees, so mortals can't see it." Zelia said.
Mortals? Really? We are going to call people mortals? Seriously? I don't understand a single thing about my life so far. I left home and my mom to go to some stupid camp about training or something. I want to go home and pretend nothing happened, so I can lead a normal life. Zoe looked just as confused and worried about the future.
We started walking were Zelia was going and before to long we found a giant sign that said CAMP HALF-BLOOD.
"What in the world?" I asked "Why is there a giant sign. If 'mortals' aren't allowed then why is there a giant sign that says 'CAMP HALF-BLOOD'?"
"Well," Zelia started to respond," Mortals cannot see the sign. We don't know what they see, but they see something that makes them leave and not enter the camp. There is also a barrier that they physically can't pass as well. I am now going to take you into the Camp. Please follow me." I start grumbling and Zoe just sighs. We follow Zelia into the camp and see a bunch of big houses.
"What is this?" Zoe asked.
"The houses of your godly parent. Since you don't know who yours are you will sleep in the Hermes cabin until' we find out." We started walking even farther and see a bunch of people fighting with swords, bows, and blades. There was also people just standing around joking and laughing or standing in a corner in the shadows. We moved on and saw a girl get a boy to let her win and take a flag. I think this is a more violent game of Capture the Flag. We went a cabin that looked like a vault of some sort. Zelia knocked on the door and it swung up to show a boy in very messy clothing and he looked like he was Mexican.
"Hi, I'm Leo and I am assuming that you want some weapons. Follow me to Lucky's bunk were he can fix you up a weapon." He said while smiling. We followed Leo to Lucky's bunk and we said goodbye.
"Hi, I'm Lucky and I will make you some weapons that you can use. Is there any weapon that you like to use or have always wanted to use. Since we don't have that much time Zoe can go talk to Jake and I will take Catherine." I followed Lucky and he asked me if I had ever wanted to use a weapon.
"Well, I have used a bow and arrow before, but that was a while ago." I replied.
"Hmmmmm.............. Come back in 5 minuets."
"Okay!" I answered
I walked outside and saw Zoe.
"Zoe! Did you get a weapon yet?" I asked her. She turned around and shook her head no.
"Not yet I am supposed to come back in 3 minutes." She replied.
"Me too, except I have 5 minuets."
"Zoe!" Called someone from a bunk.
"Sorry I have to go." She told me.
I looked at a big clock on a building and saw that it had been 5 minuets, so I walked into Lucky's cabin.
"I'm finished." He said. I looked at what he had made. A bow and a bunch of arrows for me use. I grabbed it from his hand and noticed that it was really light. It was dark brown and made from wood, but the wood was so strong that I could tell that even if I use it a lot it won't give me splinters. I picked up the arrows and saw that they were made from the same wood. But they also had gold sort of looking, tips. I put my finger at the tip, very carefully and softly, and it pricked my finger and drew blood. There was a thick, leather case that I could put the arrows in and it fit my body perfectly.
"This is amazing!" I said very excitedly.
"Thank you. I made it myself as you probably know. I took me a while because I am used to making swords and such, but it was easy after the bending of the wood for the bow." He responded. "Now we need to test it out."
I followed him outside the bunk to, outside the big vault door, and outside in grass. We walked a little while until' I saw some targets. We walked over to one and he told me to try it out. I put the bow in between my 3 fingers then, took my fingers to the string, pulled it back, and I saw it fly through the air. It was like the Earth was in slow motion and the arrow was getting closer to the target. Finally, the pointed tip pierced through the center of the red circles. I stared at it until' I realized that it went straight through the center.
"Great job!" Lucky exclaimed.
" I haven't used a bow for years. How did I do that?"
"It came naturally, I think"
"I have to sit down." So, I sat down and pondered at what had just happened.

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