Meeting Zelia

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Catherine POV

Oh great, a huge, green eyed monster with seven arms is chasing us; this is my dream come true! I strongly, dislike my life right now. I don't have a dad, he left when I was born, my mom is always working, I have ADD, and I don't live in the greatest part of town. Now I am running from monstrous, hideous, venom dripping, horrifying monster. Zoe hollers at me to keep running and we run outside the school. Why haven't the police come yet? Surely, they should be pretty quick to come shoot down an angry monster. Then, suddenly Zoe screams again and I turn around very swiftly and see that a wire caught her foot.
I grab her hand and try to pull her out of harms way, but I am not strong enough. The monster keeps getting closer and closer to me and Zoe. I start thinking that the monster is a very slow monster. I try pulling her again, but I fall on my behind. We close our eyes very tightly and the monster stops walking. I open an eye, look, and see a teenage girl battling the monster! I mean like really battling; she has a sword, shield, and everything. The girl has red straight hair that was pulled up in high ponytail and a bright orange shirt that says something I can't read because she is moving to much. She finally stabs the monster in the heart and it turns to dust.
"Are you guys okay?" The girl with red hair asks. Zoe and I just stare at her with confusion and amazement for what had literally just happened. I know Zoe wasn't going to talk anytime soon, so I speak for her and myself.
"What was.... I mean......a giant monster thing............out of no where.......who are you?" I stammer. The girl just laughs and talks. "I am Zelia and I am a child of Hermes. I assume that you are half-bloods as well?" Zoe and I look at her with confusion. "Let me explain," She states. "You are children of Greek Gods, what certain Greek Gods you may ask? You will have to wait and find out. But for now you can follow me to Camp Half-Blood. Camp Half-Blood is a camp for kids like us, kids whose mom or dad is a Greek God."
"I have to tell my mom, she will be worried if I don't return home. I can't follow you I am sorry, but I don't even know anything about Greek Gods and Goddesses. Sorry!" I explain.
"Me too." Zoe says.
"Well you can tell your parents, then follow me. Maybe send them a text, but then we will have to destroy the phone and run away as fast as possible." Zelia responds.
"No!" I shout.
"Yes!" She says.
"No!" We are getting even louder and getting in each other's faces. We sorta, kinda, forgot about Zoe.
"Stop!" Zoe screams. We look at her; let me give you a hint Zoe is not the kind of person to speak loudly.
"We shouldn't be fighting! We will go home explain to our parents why we are leaving, then follow Zelia." She proclaims.
"But we can't leave! My mom will be worried sick and this isn't real. It can't be, I mean come on Greek Gods and Goddesses! That is crazy talk!" I protest. Then I whisper to Zoe "This girl is delusional. She can't be trusted."
"We were just attacked by monsters and she saved us! How is she delusional?" Zoe says back quietly.
"It just.........ugh! Never mind, let's go tell our parents." I sigh. We start heading off to my small, red bricked, 3 room house which is located about a mile away. Zoe's house is right next to mine and our mom and dad are friends. I think about what is going to happen. My mom told me that my dad left when I was a baby; he couldn't handle the pressure of a child because he was a working business manager. So, if it can't be him (my mom is a terrible liar,soI would have known if she was lying) then it's my mom, but she can't be. She is not perfect like a god, so I couldn't be a so, called Half-blood. Right? Ugh...... I am hurting my head. Now, this is the most dangerous thing in world; finding out the truth.

Hey everyone it's TinkerbellAlli. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter of Danger in The World. Please comment if you like it. Demigod_life will write the next chapter about what happens telling the parents. Bye (:

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