What is Going On?

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Catherine's POV

I crept into the bunks and saw the floors litered with so many tools and materials and blue-prints. Why in the world do they have so many blueprints? ,I thought, Oh, well. I decided to walk around some more until' I came up to Lucky's metal desk next to his bed, and saw a blue-print that had this monsterous, gold-metal, robot-looking thing. I poked around his desk a little bit and saw the same bowl thing he had out, but it was a smaller example. Under that was the robot thing, but was smaller. One tiny detail I noticed was that the small circle that was on top of it, had it's siblings on the robot. I realized that basically my friend wants to make a robot. 

Has he even seen all of the robot movies, where they end up trying to take over the world. This is not going to end well. I thought to myself. I climbed over the desk to where Jake's things were and he had the same blue-print. At that moment I made a mental note to myself to not ever trust anyone, unless I like them, or they look trust-worthy, or if they are a friend. Oh, right........... I trust everyone. Forgot for a moment that I was an ENFP. Woops, oh well. 

As I went back to reality, I fell and knocked over the desk and blue-prints started flying everywhere. I heard Zoe talking really loudly, I knew someone was most likely going to come in. So, I ran over to the back of the cabin taking the small metal circle, replica robot, and blueprint of the monsterosity. I found a small, wooden closet that had a bunch of tools in it. It may not seem pretty smart, but there is nowhere else to hide. "See Jake, nothing in here." I heard Zoe say to him with an anxious voice. I could tell why he was suspisous, she isn't a very good liar. She is good at letting the other person know that something or someone was going to come in, at a low-key signal.

"Why is all my papers on the ground if nobody is in here?" He asked Zoe angerly.

"I don't know, now can we just go back?" Zoe asked him in return.

"You can, not me. Now get out of here!" Jake yelled at her. Zoe ran off looking very scared and worried. After she left, Jake started mumbling to himself. I tried to listen in, but all I heard was something about destroying the world, nothing much. Wait! He said destroying the world. I started breathing heavley and the walls started closing in on me. 

Should I mention I have a fear of closed spaces? You are most likely wondering why I hid there. Originally, I thought he was going to be gone sooner and I was more afraid of what he would do after he found out I was sneaking in his room then just a clausterphobia fear. I saw the door and it was getting super close to me and the walls were caving in. I screamed an ear-peircing scream and ran out of the closet while still breathing hard. Suddenly, while running for my life, I fell over on my face. I saw Jake's face over mine. He had glowing eyes and didn't look like himself. After I noticed that, everything went black.

Hey guys! SunnySunshine here (I changed my name)! Comment if you real,y like the story and wether or not we should continue. I do hope you don't comment the latter. Anyways, sorry it's been forever, Zoe and I are in high school. Life is super crazy with all the tests!!!!! Well, anyways bye!!!!!!

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