Chapter 14

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Zoé's P.O.V 

Warning: Blood will be mentioned in this chapter, not much to traumatized you little ones as well. But if you do not like reading anything about blood, even just a small sentence, you may skip over it. I'll let you know in the chapter when to skip over it.mso I do not make someone pass out. 

Me and Catherine stood in the pitch black room, with no light to be shown, only except from a small crack near the floor, which must have indicated as a door to the room. Just then the sound of footsteps were heard on the other said of the door, deep voices talking and whispering about something. I leaned in closer, trying to listen and see what the voices were saying. Just then the sound of a door knob jiggling came. Me and Catherine backed up a step, lucky and Jake coming into view now. Catherine yelled out an attacking scream and ran into Lucky, pinning him to the ground, which followed by a crying scream from Lucky. I look over to see that Catherine had stabbed a piece of glass into Lucky's arm. I turn to face Jake, and without thinking, I just run. Zooming pass Jake as I pushed him into the wall, knowing that Catherine would catch up soon. {so she thought} 

I run as fast as I came, heating Jakes voice yell out to me, telling me to stop or else. Of course I ignored him, I didn't want to be captured again, and tortured. I mean, that's what criminals like them do, right? I whip my head around to see Jake catching up on my heels, I turn back to face forward. Picking up my speed, my heart pounding and mind racing. I'd never think that this day would happen to me, I never I thought I would be captured, and by a friend? I see an opening, I see light and I get anxious and excited, my legs were burning like fire, but I didn't care the least. I just knew I had to escape and head back to camp. Call for help and backup. Who knows who else could be captured. By the looks of the building I was in, it seemed to have more than just the room me and Catherine were locked in. 

"Stop Zoé! Get back here so I can lock you up!" Jake yells, his voice sounding a bit more raspy and...evil. 

"No! How could you betray me like this, Jake! We were friends and you've captured us, I'm not letting you get away with this!" I yell back, realizing I had slowed my pace down. "Oof" I said as my breath was knocked out of me. I fall to the hard and cold floor. I roll over with the weight that was on me, laying on my back now as I see Jake. One arm pinning me down, and the other one with a knife to my throat. I squirm and struggle to break free. 

"Let me okay! Someone HELP!!" I yell out, but Jake just pressed the blade closer to my neck, and I was cut off from my scream, staring up at him with worried and mostly scared eyes. 

"Shut up, or this will be the last day that you'll ever see light." Jake said in this almost monotone voice. I gulp and stay quiet, but I didn't back down. Using as much strength as I could muster, I lift my body a few inches off of the ground, bringing my legs forward and into my chest, then I kicked them out. Kicking Jake in the stomach with my feet, and knocking him off of me. He falls backwards and rolls on his side, the knife laying in his hands gently. {Those who are sensitive to blood, may skip this} I scramble up off of the ground, feeling something wet go down my neck, I feel and wince. Looking at my fingers as I see something red: blood. I shake my head a bit to stay focused and wipe the blood on my dirty shorts. Knowing that as I kicked Jake off of me, the knife had made a small slit along my neck to draw some blood, thankfully it wasn't much though. {You may continue reading the chapter from here}

I turn a round again, running faster than I did before so I wouldn't get caught like I was before. Before I knew it, I pushed a steel door open, breaking into the fresh air. Trees surrounded the building, small rays of sunshine shone past the tall trees and onto the ground. It was a bit chilly, but she didn't mind as much since she was already hot from the running. 

"Get back here!" Jake called as she could hear his loud footsteps down the hall. Zoé panicked and shut the steel door, she put a long stuck through the handle, hoping it would by her just a little bit of time. Zoé took off, hurrying down a fire escape. Once she reached the last steps she jumped the rest of the way down to the ground, landing on her side. BAM! Zoé looked up to see that Jake and Lucky now, had busted through the door. She looked around,meandering if Catherine was okay, and if she made it out another way. Jake and Lucky had a scowl on their faces, their eyes glowing in a unusual way. Zoé stood up from the ground, wiping the dirt on her clothes and taking off again into the forest. 

She looked back after a couple minutes of running, seeing that Jake and lucky hadn't been following after her. Zoé slowed down a bit and rested against a tree. She looked around her surroundings, trying to pin point where she was exactly at. The wind moved lightly, making the leaves rustle in the trees. Birds flying around and chirping as they tried to get to a safe place and rest, or trying to get food. After a while of resting, Zoé got back up and started walking in the forest. She could hear the sound of water rushing fast, splashing against the rocks. She figured she followed along it, she would reach camp, where they had a lake. 

---Time Skip to reaching CHB finally---

Zoé made it to camp, other campers were surrounding her, asking what had happened to her and Catherine. Zoé tried to catch her breath as she was going to answer some of the questions. A child of Hermes, Zelia, walked past the campers and over to Zoé. 

"You guys, five Zoé some space. Who knows what happened to her, she will explain later, I'm sure she will. For now, go back to your activities and cabins." Zelia said. 

Zoé shook her head "'s okay Zelia, I can...can answer some questions." Zoé said and turened to the campers. "I know you are aware of some campers missing, me being one of them, and so was Catherine. We never saw them coming.... But I--" she stopped talking, holding onto Zelia's shoulder as she felt like she was gonna fall. It has been a couple of days or weeks since she has had food or water. Just before she thought she was fine, she fell to the ground with a thud, blacking out as she could hear campers screaming her name and asking if she was okay.

"Someone get an Apollo kid, quickly!" Zelia called before Zoe was out like a light. 


So, what a cliffhanger, huh? That's the end of cheater 14. The past couple of chapters I wasn't able to write because I was busy and I had know idea how to lead on from what my friend had put in the previous chapter. The next chapter will be updated soon. Trust me..there will be lots of cliffhangers and surprises, if you like those. :) 

Anyways let me know what you thought of this story in the comments below, and vote while your at it! ;) -Taylor 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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