Apollo's Daughter?

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Catherine's POV

In shock, I stood there for a couple of minutes and was very confused from that glowing thing above my head. Everybody was clapping and cheering for me as if I won something special. While thanking people as they were applauding me, I went over to where Lucky was. On my way down, people were congratulating me as well. "Great job Catherine and congratulations as well!" Lucky shouted to me over the deafening crowd while giving me a hug.

"Thank you and don't hug me." I answered

"I can see that now. Owwww....... What did you break?" He was lying on the mucky, craggy road. The way his body was positioned after I flipped him made it look like he was making a snow angel.

"I just have one question. What was that glowing thing? Because if it was a sign of death that would not be good for my health. Do you know what it is?" 

"You were claimed by Apollo, so that means you are his daughter."

"I can't be claimed!"

"Why not?" Lucky asked.

"Because I don't know anybody and that is going to be embarrassing! I mean you wouldn't want to be told that you are a child of a god then go into a cabin where you know nobody. I mean right?"

"Ummm......hate to tell you but that same thing happened to me." Luck stated.

"But still I don't want to go! I know NOBODY! You better introduce me to someone! Now!"

"Okay, okay calm down. I promise I will introduce you to someone. Geez, woman!"

"Geez, yourself weirdo."

"No, Geez yourself!"

"You!" I noticed I was getting louder and Lucky was as well.


"Nope me", I shouted,"I mean you!"

Lucky started laughing at me with an annoying, make fun of tone. The best way to handle that insult was to give him my best death glare I possibly can give.

"You win.... I mean it's not like you are scary or anything. I'm not afraid of you. What are you talking about? Hahaha........ I am just going to go. Um....um.... Bye?" Lucky ranted to me.

"Yea you better go." I said to Lucky as I nodded my head. He turned and ran away as fast as his legs could take him and I saw him run to the large, talkative crowd. This is when I decided that I should sneak into Hephuastes cabin and see what Lucky and Jake were working on.

I started walking slowly towards the back of the vobolus, immense crowd and to the cabin. I almost was completely out of the noisy party when, Zoe stopped me.

"I know that look," She started saying,"You are up to something and I want to find out."

"Sorry, nope! You will find out later though. I am on my own little adventure and nobody will come with me until' I figure it out." I told her in a imperious way.

"No, I am coming along. What if you get hurt or kidnapped? We can't use phones and nobody will know where you have gone. I could escape in time to tell people where you are if I come along."

"That won't be necessary."

"Yes it will be. Now, let me come along! Please!"

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm groveling." Zoe answered.


"I want to come along with you."

"Ughh, fine!" I said with a sigh in my voice.

"Yay!" Zoe shouted with glee.

"But, you have to keep watch and I will tell when you can come in. We started walking towards the vault-looking door and peered in trying to see if anyone was in there; nobody. Silently, I shuffled in the cabin with bunks and went inspecting. While, Zoe stood outside of the door glancing around the ginormous hut.

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