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Catherine POV

My eyes opened and a line of bright light seared the middle of my eyes. I blinked for a couple minuets and things started clearing up. I was in a room and right in front of my face was a door with a line of light beneath it. It was pitch-black and I couldn't see much, the only thing I noticed was that I was lying on the ground. There was a cold, steel feeling on my wrists and ankles. I pulled my hands apart from each other and heard a clink. Great, I thought, I am wearing chains. I heard footsteps and talking outside my door.

I strained my ears to see what they are saying. "Where is that Aphrodite girl? I can't find her?"

"I heard she was by the lake trying to find the Apollo girl."

"She is looking in the wrong spot! Haha!" Then, the voices started to laugh very annoyingly.

"Well, I got to go and search by the lake."

"Meet back in here at 9:00pm."

"Got it." I heard more footsteps, opening of a door, and the closing of that door. More footsteps were getting louder and closer. I closed my eyes and pretended I was still asleep. Suddenly, somebody opened the door that was in front of my face.

"I know your awake." Said the voice. I might as well open my eyes. Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw Lucky standing above me.

"Lucky? Why am I tied up?"

"Well, you got to close to finding out our plan. So, we didn't want anyone saying anything."

"Where's Zoe because she was there?"

"You don't know?" Lucky asked.


"I think you do. Now you are going to tell me!" Lucky ran over to me and ran me over to the wall and pinned my arms. His eyes were very funny looking and he looked different.

"This isn't you Lucky!"

"I am not Lucky anymore! I took over his body before you even came here. Now, you are going to tell me were your little friend is!"

"No!" I yelled.

"Fine, if you won't tell me and I can't make you, I have to make sure that you won't get out." He started taking off my cuffs, but before I could do anything he chained my wrists to the wall instead. Although, he kept my ankles chained up still. Slowly, he walked even closer to me and started whispering.

"If you even think of leaving remember I have Lucky's body and kill him anytime I want and go into your body. I haven't invaded your body yet because Lucky begged me not to hurt you. I give him a little access to the body occasionally to make him seem normal. He was in control at the karaoke party and I was planning to get rid of him and invade your body, but he told me that I could kill him. I could kill him only if I didn't hurt you!"

"You are evil and vile. Get out of Lucky's body and never harm anyone again! Got it?"

"You forgot girl you are the one tied up, not me. I am going to go and -." The front door opened and Jake walked in dragging a girl with brown hair behind him.

"I found her, she tried putting up a fight, but I knocked her out."

Lucky went up to me and shouted to Jake. "I need to knock this one out." Lucky grabbed a wrench and everything went black after he raised his arm.

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