Chapter Fourteen: Scars And Pasts

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Looking down at the child in the small crib in my room I let my thoughts wander, I remember the day the bond finally broke it felt like fire, Like someone had shoved a scalding poker through my chest, the small silver scars didn't go away after that, after the goddess took his wolf, two years, and my mind still burns at the thought of him.

I heard Sebastian open the door, the guy sounds like a hippo, I told them about what happened at the mall so him and Jonathan did a scan of the area

"We found that there has been an increase in the activity of wolves around this area, we think it's either because of you, or her" I frowned and shook my head

"How long ago did the increase start" he shrugged as if he already knew I would ask

"According to the local pack we signed the treaty with, a few months, not long after you finally agreed to meet their alpha, do you think he could be the cause?" I shook my head

"No, he's too proud, but I think we need to go around and catch up" Sebastian nodded in agreement, turning to walk out the door

"Be ready in an hour, we will go as a family" I nodded and made my way to the closet. The pack we live near is very formal, and very traditional, but the wolves I saw today weren't, that itself raises my next question, why suddenly are their new wolves in the area. I grabbed my best evening dress from my closet and slipped on my mothers ring, the light lacy blue fabric sat perfectly, and I pulled out the white dress that I had found for Rylan, I slipped on some white flats and pulled my hair into a tight bun, this is going to be interesting to say the absolute least.

"Are we all ready" I had Rylan in my arms as I descended the stairs, Sam Seb , Jonathan and Tully where all standing there in their finest evening wear also,

"Yes, Alpha Colfer is expecting us" Jonathan smiled at me and shook his head "scary how natural it looks for you to be holding a child" I let a small laugh slip from my lips and felt Rylan stir slightly,

"Right, let's go" we all walked towards the cars lined up out the front, Sam stopped and looked at me

"Is this a good idea Ree Ree, I mean, our last encounter with wolves wasn't the most pleasant" I smiled at Sam pulling him to my side

"Everything will be fine, I promise, you can even chose a place to go in town after the meeting, but you have to behave" he smiled at me and nodded, I saw the fear in his eyes and frowned a little, he has been worried about me ever since that day, but maybe, this will be the push we need to start moving again.

After a three hour drive we arrived at the packs house, or mansion, there was another behind it and small houses dotted around the area, we where greeted by a group of armed guards at the gate, all of which smiled and let us pass, they knew their ways and followed them. This coincidentally, was the only pack with knowledge of mermaids, hence why we chose to settle here.

"Oh, young Lillare, you are a picture of perfection, please join us for tea, I wish you to meet my son, he has recently returned from training" the Alpha smiled as he spoke, watching carefully as I got Rylan out of the car and wrapped my arm around Sam who was at my side in an instant,

"It would be my pleasure, as always, what was your son training for" the alpha has two sons, I have met his oldest son Artemis and his daughter Ashlin, although Ashlin is a warrior,

"He was taking the warrior test, he didn't have the mark, but, he is okay with that, he is too humble to be a warrior anyway" it was at that moment Feya the Luna walked out with a phone in her hands,

"Oh Lillare, how I wish I had your youth. dear, your daughter is on the phone" alpha Colfer took the phone from his mate and walked inside "you must come and meet my son, oh and who is this darling girl, is she yours Lillare" I look of worry crosses her features

"Oh, umm, yes, yes she is, her name is Rylan, Jonathan named her " I finished smiling at the small girl sleeping in my arms as Jonathan and Sebastian both watched me with small smirks on their faces

"You are so young, and you already have a family" I smiled as she turned and walked into the house,

It's still hard to think that I turn 19 this year, what would mum say, Lillare it is irresponsible to take on a task as big as raising a family at Such a young age, even if the boys are going to help you, I smiled at the thought of what my mother would be lecturing me with, I looked up in time to see one of the men who helped me move over two years ago walk into the room his eyes went wide

"Jace, go and get dressed in proper clothing, I don't know what you and my son did for a living while you where away, but, now you are under my roof, you dress like an eligible man" Feya glared at Jaces back as he exited the room "they came into my house after almost three years and still look like complete ruffians, it has been months and still, they insist on testing my limits"

I smiled as she walked out into the kitchen and I sat down on the couch Tully and Sam following suit while Jonathan and Sebastian both stood behind us, as always. Moments later Feya returned followed by the Man I met in the mall yesterday, Otis, atom, shit, Austin.

"Dear, this is my son, Austin, he has been away for almost three years, originally to search for his mate, then he decided to become a warrior, but after everything, he just came home" I smiled politely and his face formed one of shock

"Your the Girl I met at the mall yesterday" I nodded and he frowned at me slightly "I thought you said she was your sister"

"I personally didn't think it appropriate to tell a stranger, that I, a nineteen year old, had a child" I saw his mother suppress a smile as he looked a little shocked "doesn't sound like a smart choice does it"

"Well ash is doing well, and she sends her condolences Austin, about Shia" Austin nods solemnly and pats down the wrinkles on his Suit before sitting down on the couch across from me Sam and Tully. I look him over as he sighs

"I came to discuss the increase in wolf activity in the area, as you know I am not in the best position with a very high ranking pack and yesterday had some wolves attempt to grab me as I left the mall, you know of my rank among the mer folk and it would be in my best interest to know why there has been an increase" Feya looked at her husband who wouldn't meet her eyes

"There has been a, let's call it a ransom, put out, either you are found, or all packs in this area will be wiped out, as you know, I am a very proud man and I would stand against alpha Aiden if it meant to protect my pack and our traditions, but you where tracked here and I have no control over these Wolves, and I have no means to stop them either" his eyes fell to the floor and he hesitated, giving Austin time to interrupt

"Wait, you're Lillare, is she, Aidens" I shook my head and he seemed shocked "But you where mated" I shook my head again and he seemed lost for words "But the last time I saw him he had a mates mark" I almost laughed at that

"A mermaids mates mark is on their wrist, it's a tattoo, we don't bite each other" he frowned seeing the ugly scar on my wrist where the sleeves of the dress pulled up my arms "when we come of age, we find a soul link, mine was Aiden, but he didn't want me, I saw his wolf force him not to reject me, use his body freely to speak to me but he didn't have a choice I would never let him be locked out of his own body, but your Goddess took his wolf away, I felt pain like nothing I have ever felt, all I felt was pain, for the next few days, excruciating pain" something registered in his eyes deep deep down

"You could feel what the mate bond allows you too but he couldn't cause you had mated him, but he hadn't mated you" I nodded and he started speaking again "I know how it feels to die" I looked up shocked "not just any death, but kinda like the witch trials, being burnt alive, because for some reason, there is a group of people out there that still do that"

"Some people out there, think a lot of things are right, when nothing could be more wrong" he nodded as I spoke, I told Sam Tully Seb and Jonathan to go do something while I speak with the family letting Tully take Rylan from me.

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