Sorry, sorry, sorry *a million

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Okay so the last month has been a jumble with assessment and grief and I'm telling you, I am going to get the next two too three chapters out tonight.

Okay, so, this is a horrible thought, but I have woken up recently, any thoughts I had of the easy way out of everything that has been happening where abolished over the last two weeks. There is only 80 students in our year twelve graduating class this year and that number is now 79 because a guy I have known for ages but not personally or closely took his life, and t absolutely rocked our community, I have never seen so many devastated people, in almost two three years after another class mate died in a crash. It was defiantly a wake up call and a really hard one to swallow.

I smashed my phone not even two days later, and my kobo, and my bag.

But thank you all for your support with this book and with the bullying problem, it pretty stupid we have a white uniform and at lunch today a girl 'accidentally' poured half a bottle of water down my back (sigh) and the guy I broke up with last week because he was being a dick and still is thought it was great. But yeah, I guess through all that I was like, my readers deserve an update that I feel horrible for not doing sooner, but I love the support and feedback and just you guys in general, your all really great, and I hope you have a better week than I do

Lots and lots  of love and affection!!!!!!!

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