Chapter Fifteen: Thrown To The Wolves

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I tugged at the sleeves to the dress I had worn today as the conversation about the increase in wolf activity continued. Austin was speaking at the moment

"It wasn't a mistake you took up residence here and we are doing everything we can to keep their wolves away from our territory, our territory currently surrounds yours, but Aiden has always been a powerful Wolf, now as an Alpha with a Luna.." I cut him off before I realised what I was doing

"He won't have that power anymore, if anything, the new mates mark, unlike the usual mates mark, will make him weaker instead of stronger, Alongside the fact he no longer holds a wolf, I suggest you bring together the elders of this region, and ask for help on the grounds of your treaty, throw in the words, with the blessing of the All queen" Feya smiled at me nodding in agreement but Austin felt the need to argue

"The All queen won't rise for another twelve thousand years, it's written in lucifer's personal books, the all Queen only lives every twenty thousand years, or in the face of a new war" he shook his head laughing slightly "the last time an all Queen was seen was when the Ancients combined their power to destroy lucifer, leaving his son to take over" he shook his head again "an old story for children, won't sway any elders"

"Listen to your Queen Austin, please" his mothers weary eyes met his young ones, as he looked confused and lost like a puppy

"She isn't our Queen, she is a Queen" with that he stood up and left walking towards the doors at the back of the room, I looked at Feya and Alpha Colfer, who both nodded, I stood following Austin into the woods, seeing the path his rage left behind

I had been walking for a long time when I saw a small lake to my right, it was like the ones you see in the old story books, or like the ones teenagers think they find their true love by, I must admit, it really is Beautiful, but I continued to walk, following the small scratches on the trees and the heavy paw prints that where scattered in odd places, my parents taught me to track, In case I ever got lost, but I found other uses for it, like stalking Jonathan while he stalked deer.

I heard a deep growl to my right and it sent electricity down my spine, for the first time in two and a half years, I Lillare Melcast, feel fear. I turned towards the wolf that was almost three times my size and let a small smirk plaster my lips, it's white fur had a few streaks of honey gold in it, this is Austin, the most striking things about Austin are his hair and eyes, his hair is a honey golden colour and his eyes are a caramel brown. This is what told me, it was him I was facing, but the black hue to his eyes that was slowly taking over told me, it wasn't him, but his wolf.

"What's your name" I said in a sing song voice, his head tilted to one side as his eyes traveled my form. I left my mind open with a small sigh, and was instantly greeted by a deep husky voice

-My name is Artemis, and you are a Queen- I heard a silent war break out across my link and closed it quickly as I felt a small stream of blood fall from my nose, when a Werewolf's two sides are arguing it is dangerous to be in their mind, and I let my guard down, not thinking and I freely opened myself to be hurt. I clung to the tree next to me for support, as I took deep breaths pulling back from my conscience to sort out the tendrils of my mind. I heard a small whimper at my side and a cold snout nuzzle my face

"Just a moment Artemis" the words where small and feeble coming from my mouth and seemed to only make him more distressed, I opened my eyes only to notice that the front of my dress was now covered in blood and that it wasn't just coming from my nose, shit, that really was close, I must have stayed a second too long, my mind must have taken an extra second to detach itself.

I looked up and saw that the black hue to Austin's eyes was fading in and out but it seemed Artemis was in control, which meant that I just had to wait until they stopped fighting. I slid my back down the tree letting my head rest against it, putting my hands in my lap, and putting my legs out in front of me. Artemis laid down looking at me with concern, his eyes still flashing.

"You both need to stop fighting, and be mindful, when someone connects there mind to yours using a power gifted by an ancient, that is outside that of your mind links, it is dangerous for you to fight amongst your two entities, you can damage the other persons mind" Artemis' eyes went black again, and stayed that way "you must freely let one another take control or you will hurt me more, now, behave" with that I let my mind open again

-I am very sorry, Young Queen-

-All is forgiven, but Artemis, I am not a Queen, yet- i had handed control over to the closest cousin of the blood lines in hopes that I could stay away for another two years, but I only have four months left, then I am expected to rule an entire kingdom at 19

-Did I make you bleed Princess- I looked up at Artemis, he looked lost, worried and ashamed

-It's nothing, there was no way for you to know, it's only second nature to you, to be able to argue through the link, but I don't have that much control over mine- As I sat back I heard him say something, just a whisper

-Such strong power for such a young Queen, even if she is the All Queen- I looked him deep in the eyes and said out loud

"I am no Queen, I can't even protect my own brother, and child, let alone a kingdom" regret flashed across his black eyes

-Even Queens struggle to make decisions, in regards to what is right and what is wrong, I have watched many Luna's make the decisions of an Alpha, at the time, they seem so wrong, but the final result speaks otherwise- I frowned up at him as he stood

"I could have quickened the child, taken away the threat on my brother and our family, but instead I hid, and let my own cousin die" I stayed against the tree as Artemis walked away, soon there was the crunching of leaves and Austin stepped out from behind a tree in only shorts

"I didn't realise, even Artemis says he doesn't fully understand your struggles" I gave him a small smile tugging at my dress sleeves and stood up, making sure my body was covered

"I don't expect help, or protection, I ask of it, I need it, but I can, live without it" he frowned, his brow creasing and his eyes conflicted

"I have a request of you" I nodded waiting for him to continue "I have to attend a ball tonight, on behalf of my father while my oldest brother is busy, it is tradition that I be accompanied, usually by someone of the opposite gender, unless of course they prefer their own, which is more common than you would think," it was at this point I realised he was getting a little red, he is rambling because he is either nervous or, embarrassed "and my mother is going to stay home cause she hates the democracy, and my sister is in a different country, so would you perhaps accompany me, if you would like of course, I can even buy you a new dress"

My eyebrows shot up and I started nervously tugging at my dress, I haven't been out except for the trip to the shop ever since we moved here and we are going to get ice-cream tonight but, what if people see my scars. But what I said completely contradicted my whole train of thought.

"Of course, I would love to accompany you, but I can buy my own dress, although we are about an hour or so out of town" he looked flustered as he looked at his watch

"Do you have spare clothes" I nodded

"What kind of mother would I be if I didn't" he sighed in relief then did something I didn't expect, he dropped his pants.

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