Chapter Six: Thrust Out Of My Element

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A thought snapped me out of my foggy dreams, if I was hearing another persons thoughts, it means I have lost my control, taking a deep breath I focused on one thing, and slowly, my mind collected itself, every voice dropped away one by one till it was silent, I opened my eyes and looked around, where in the blooding hell am I, it all came back at once, erole, Sam, Aiden, the twins, the fight, no, no no no no no, this is bad very bad, he knows, he knows about the quickening, wait the forest, are they safe, I know I made it across the packs border,

"Ree, your awake" I knew the voice, I calmed down instantly, Sam was whispering to me "ree, you know you beat your record, you where only asleep for 46 hours this time, not even two whole days" I smiled at Sam, he had always supported me, no matter what

"Really, that's awesome, high five" he smacked my hand then I got right to the point "okay, so where are we, how do we get out, do they have any idea what we are" Sam looked at me the smile never leaving his face

"We are at Aidens pack hospital wing, you know he's not an alpha yet that's why they call him young alpha" I smiled and made it look like I was surprised "we can't get out tho, it's been raining for almost the whole time you where out started a few hours after you passed out" I nodded slowly, I could handle that "if it wasn't that window, goes straight into the forest" he motioned to the window next to my bed, then the smile fell from his face "there is one lady, the Luna, she looked at you like you where a ghost, then when Aiden said you could do weird stuff, she kind of fainted, she was going on about, 'oh my I thought they where all dead'" he mimicked her a little and a laughed bubbled from my lips at his cheery attitude, I reached into my pocket and pulled out two vials of witch water.

*Witch water acts as a barrier between skin and water, the only water that can touch your skin has to be pure or it bounces off, this is why most mermaids employ witches in their households and also why they carry a vial of witches water in their purse or pocket, the vial itself is enchanted so it won't break, it taste like sea rot, but works wonders for keeping your little secret*

Sam grabbed a vial, a smile playing at the corner of his lips "where did you get this" I looked at him a smirk plastered on my own

"You know the lady that is going to keep working in our house " Sam copied my smirk pulled the lid off his vial and taped it with mine "bottoms up, little bro" I tipped my vial first the taste burning my throat and leaving behind a traces of tingling on my tongue, Sam followed suit but before he could swallow I put my hand over his mouth as reaction to his facial expression he gagged and liquid dripped down my palm but only a small amount, and in that second I made a decision

"We run, and we run fast, I don't care who sees" he nodded his eyes wide, I pried open the window and threw Sam out and jumped out after I hear howls not a second later, and grabbed Sams hand pushing my body, not stopping till we where safely perched on our patio.
*Aidens POV*
I was outside the door to her room, I knew she wasn't a witch, although she did live with one, I heard hushed voices but even with my enhanced hearing I couldn't make it out, then I heard a gentle clink, someone splutter a bit, and then the sound of wood on wood, like a window opening, they wouldn't it's raining cat and dogs out there, this is monsoonal weather, but as I opened the door I saw lillare and Sam running with speed I have only seen from werewolves and vampires, before I knew it I was out the window running after them, I linked a few of the patrolling guards but when I got there I saw them break through the tree line.

They weren't on our territory anymore, we had tried to claim it once, but it was already claimed and the people who owned it had a witch living in their house with an old man, the strength left when the original owners that made the boarder did, it weakened almost to breaking point after a year of them being gone, my mother told me never to venture into that territory, her friend had lived there, she had two children, but I haven't seen them in almost four years, I never saw their children only the lady with the blond and green hair and her husband who had black and when the sun hit it his hair would shimmer a royal sapphire blue, now for the first time in four years standing at the edge if the border, I could feel the strength, it was almost like a living entity, to be honest, I was scared of what would happen if I did cross.

They where laughing like they had just heard the worlds best joke when she looked at me, my wrist was pulsing, and even in this monsoonal weather she looked like it was only a light sprinkle of rain,

"Young alpha Aiden, we can't stay here, the border is starting to agitate the men" my fathers beta was right we had to move on, the border was strong, and she looked like she had been stabbed in the heart, I put out my hand and tried to think of something to say, I felt the border become solid under my hand, she was supplying power to the border.

Suddenly her brother shrieked and she grabbed his hand and pulled him in the house, what was that, it looked like his legs had web on them, then she slammed the door shut, still holding him in her arms

"Lets go there is nothing more we can do now" he gave me a sad smile as they followed my orders, I went back to the house and sat in the lounge room, after a few more hours my mum made an appearance,

"Where did they go, and why did the doctor find an empty vial of witches water" of corse that is how they stayed so dry, the splutter must have come from sam, that's why he was wetter than lillare, they drank it

"What does It mean, what you said, I thought they where all dead" she looked at me with sad eyes

"Did you ever meet eyes with this girl, I mean I know you could smell she was your mate, but did she try to avoid eye contact, had strange coloured hair and eyes" I nodded, my mind reeling, I didn't want a mate, but here I am, and she seems to be completely different than I expected

"What is she, she killed a wolf from four feet away without doing any physical harm" my wolfs thoughts reverberated through me his voice mingling with my own

"She is powerful and she is mine, whether you accept her or not" I shook my head yelling, my mother used to me not being able to control my wolf

"She is not what I want, I don't want nor need a mate, get that, through you head" I felt a slap burn my cheek, and my mothers face came into focus

"Mates are a gift, and you would do well to respect yours, even if you don't want her, Orion needs her" I turned leaving my mothers words echoing through my head, as Orion forced me to heal like a human

A Mermaid and an alphaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon