Chapter Eight: Hunting the Wolfs Prey

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We where in the kitchen after dinner last night, Sam had pretty much gone crazy when he saw Jonathan, I swear the girly scream that came from him when he found out that Jonathan and Sebastian where beloveds was a sound not even I could make, he jumped up and down then disappeared, we plaited up dinner and he appeared with a small box handing it to Sebastian

"Mum was always prepared" he opened the box to find two woven bracelets with a metal piece on each reading 'ario opai cuai Melcast' meaning 'with this I hold protection' and Melcast well that's who is their protection, it a pretty powerful spell, written in meridian script, Sebastian handed one to Jonathan who looked like he was gonna burst into tears,

We are now standing in the kitchen, they stayed here last night, although, the fact they live in a run down shack in the woods, they are most likely moving in, which actually, wouldn't be that bad,

"Hey Ree ree, that voice of yours still in check" I smiled at Jonathan as Sebastian's eyebrows furrowed

"What do you mean is her voice still in check" Sebastian looked like his mind was going a mile per minute, often when a vampire asks a mermaid about her voice it dosent end in their favour

"Calm down Sebastian, when I was younger I was given my incent, it was my voice, it was when I met Jonathan actually, the reason the vampire first noticed me was because I was singing, he followed my voice and saw a young girl, he was in the stage of bloodlust and he was going to kill me, but Jonathan got to me first, he saved my life, and that night I was gifted my first incent, I now have three, but they are for another time" Sebastian was looking at me strangely, though I didn't expect the next words to come out of his mouth

"So, are they like your telepathy and teleportation, I mean, sirening, it's not a very happy skill, most have to drink vampire blood to do that" I laughed, he thought I was a siren, gosh wow, Jonathan looked appalled

"Those creatures are ugly and repulsive, their voices operate at such a frequency that they would make your ears bleed, while the whole time you think you are hearing the most amazing melody, ree ree isn't like that, her voice just draws things in, she stays gorgeous while doing so too, I might add" he was right, when they sing the skin melts off their body showing the creature beneath, but most men can't see it till they are about to die, everyone else can though, Sebastian was still looking at me strangely, so I told him more

"No they aren't like my telepathy and teleportation, as these are gifted by Poseidon  the others you are born with, like I said, I received my first incent after my voice brought me close to death, so Poseidon gave me the means to use that to my advantage, while it is similar to a sirens I guess you can say, my voice draws in any creature of any species or gender, and it can be resisted if they chose not to listen although the harmony behind my voice instils fear or sadness which usually propels people to attempt to make it stop or want to listen to it non stop, and it only has these properties when I sing, you can record my voice and you will hear it when you press play, whereas a sirens voice would destroy the object, a siren depends of her looks and, her voice is a constant draw for men, it does not instil emotion just enchantment, and she can't turn that on and off"

Sebastian nodded once then spoke
"So what are we gonna do with her voice exactly" this had Jonathan smiling and Sam squirming excitedly in his seat

"Ooh, Ree's gonna help us hunt, ree's gonna help us hunt" Sebastian's face lit up like a light while Jonathan spoke

"We haven't been on a good hunt in a while have we Sebby" and that was it, here goes nothing.....
We had been hunting for hours when the wolves decided it was time to investigate,unfortunately they arrived just as Seb killed the buck who was listening to my song and me singing to him as he died,

"I think that's enough for tonight, we have brought out the wers and that's never a good thing, I didn't even realise we had passed into their territory" I sent the message on to Jonathan and Sam, who both told me they would be there soon

"Why are you on our territory" the patrols arrived at the same time Jonathan did with Sam on his shoulder

"We didn't realise that we crossed the boarder, I apologise for our ignorance" the wolf at the centre of the group stepped forwards the black fur had slight tinges of grey and he radiated power, more than Aiden or either of the two at his sides, my guess is they are his beta and third, which means he is the current alpha, all three of them showing signs of ageing meaning the only reason they are holding off handing over command is that the mate count Is currently third can be handed over but not beta and alpha.

"Who are you, ands why did you stray here, you obviously are the leader of whatever this is" suddenly another wolf joined the patrol, pain returning to my body. Aiden,

"My name is Lillare, and these are my companions, we where just hunting, didn't realise we had crossed over a border" one of the wolves shifted from paw to paw, obviously uncomfortable "you seem to have something to say" he looked up shock written on his face, he shifted and others followed suit this action followed by a low growl from the back of the now naked men standing in front of me, then there was a hand covering my eyes

"Jesus, clothe yourselves please, I don't want my sister  let alone my beloved seeing a group of naked men" there was a lot of shuffling and then the hand was removed and I saw Jonathan engulfed by Sebastian who obviously was ready to leave

"Take Sam, I'm fine here, I will call if I need" Jonathan looked like he was going to protest until I motioned towards the last wolf, he took a deep breath then nodded

"Come on Sam, you need to have a shower, blood isn't your colour, how did you even get any on you, you wouldn't come near the animals when they where dead" I turned so quickly I thought I was gonna get whip lash, pulling him into my arms I instructed him to get it all off, he did as he was told and I saw the gash on his upper arm

"Jonathan, where did yous go while Sebastian took the last hunt" he looked hesitant to reply then obviously thought better than to lie

"We went to the water fall, we where swimming, I didn't know he had gotten hurt" I nodded and then fixed my gaze on Sam

"When you get home, go straight to Larissa, get her to check it okay" both the boys nodded then They all left, I turned back around and was met with wide eyes and fidgeting figures, Aiden was just standing at the back watching, observing.

"Well, one of you had something to say, so hurry up, I have matters to attend to now the fun is over" when no one spoke, i decided to see if I still had the power of Royal blood in my systems "well, speak, NOW" all the men except the alpha beta and Adien went stiff, hmm, this is good

"Are you a witch" I saw a slight movement from Aiden and the smirk that played at his lips

"No, but I have one if you want to-" the man cut me off before I could finish, not that I thought I had to

"No, no, that is perfectly fine"  suddenly someone had their had on my waist, but by the   Lack of sparks I guessing it's not Aiden, and Jonathan Sam and Sebastian wouldn't dare defy my orders especially since Sam is hurt

"Well princess why don't you come with me and I can show you what matters really need attending to" I could feel his fingers curl around my waist saying it wasn't a choice, but the low growl and movement from Aiden made me stay put

"How about you remove your hands from the girl" Aiden and his father both spoke at the same time although Aidens father seemed to have more patience

"Come on alpha, we let three go already, this isn't our way, we take them in and make them talk, not stand out in the forest and ask questions" the alpha seemed to be growing impatient and Aiden was now at the front of the pack next to a tree, his eyes swirling black, Orion.

The boys next action probably wasn't the smartest, he grabbed my arm and threw me forward obviously meaning for me to hit the rock I was previously sitting on, but instead of hitting the hard surface I met with arms and a body that sent sparks from head to toe, Orion

"Now what in the name of the goddess made you think it was smart to do that" the boy seemed to notice something, maybe it was the way Orion held my waist or the way I stood so calmly beside him, or maybe it was the fact his eyes where now pitch black "to the Mate of your future Alpha"

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