Chapter Four: Blood Always Flows and Falls

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It didn't take long for Samy to tell me that we should skip school, making me raise an eyebrow, the idea lost in an instant. That is how I ended up at school, on a Friday morning, not really liking the choice I made.

I was almost at the door when my wrist started aching I looked to my left, my whole body aching, this feeling is so wrong. I felt a hand on my other shoulder and a smooth voice followed it,

"Hello, my name is Aiden and I believe you belong to me?" I saw a smirk play at the corner of his lips as I shot back fast as a bullet

"Hi, My name is Lillare and I can fairly say I don't belong to anyone" I saw his jaw clench but his smile stayed as if he knew he was going to have to win me over. My eyes skimmed over his ashy brown hair and tan skin, as he tried not to say something stupid, if only he knew I was already inside his head

"Lillare, what a unique name" his fingers skimmed my cheek, my body instantly reacting

~this could be fun, a new toy, but this one can't resist~ my body tensed at the single thought, pain sparkling across my skin like I had been stung by bees.

Suddenly I was being pushed behind a small group of people a bell ringing somewhere in the distance a rotting stench caught in the wind blew across my face

But how did they know I was here. I started pacing and muttering under my breath I could see the look on Aiden's face as I tried to figure out how they had tracked me here, I had been so careful.

The smell only got stronger and in a split second I was the one I front of the small group knowing I still had to fight to keep him safe. They couldn't stop me from fixing my own problems.

When werewolves go rouge their fur changes and so does their smell, all wers fur is a different colour, but rouges share the same husky red fur, and right now about twenty men stood there in front of me, and they all had the same rotting stench, no werewolf could take twenty rouges.

Suddenly the bell got louder and all the human students where running to the oval after four minutes the rouges where in front of me and all humans where clear, the werewolves that where left where staring them down as the leader started laughing like the maniac he was,

"I almost had you in the last town, and I knew you ran out of places to hide, so I came back to where it all started" I heard Aiden growl behind me but this was my fight

"Why, what use am I to you, there gone there dead, you don't need me" I was shaking but my voice was strong

"Oh but lillare, I do, when you Oh so kindly disappeared with their bodies my master got quite, upset" the men behind him all nodded in agreement "this little problem, your blood line causes, we, get paid to fix it, and in three years, because we couldn't prove your pretty parents where dead, we. Didn't. Get. Paid. And my dear you know what that means don't you"

"Why is my bloodline a problem, we where fair rulers and we haven't set foot in the kingdom in eighteen years, per the agreement of your master, so why are we being punished" he looked amused, but I on the other hand was no longer shaking

"The Queen had a child, my master had a beautiful little girl, I'm sure you remember the announcement, and well the master is ill, her daughter being seven needs to be quickened, your brother is the first male child of the three lines in almost twenty years, now he is eight, we all know a child can only be quickened by royal blood" he seamed almost happy with the thought of my brother being drained of his blood,

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