Good enough?

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That drink Stevie agreed to have with Tom turned into a few more over the next couple of days, then he asked her out to dinner and after several weeks, they were on a date. They weren't flaunting their relationship, but they weren't really hiding it either. Nobody seemed to mind at work, except Lindsey. He hated seeing as Stevie arrived with Tom every morning or when he drove her home. He saw them spending their lunch breaks together and something as natural as that made his blood boil. He wanted to fire the pair of them, every time they smiled passing by each other.

There was a nice little restaurant not too far from where Stevie lived and it was where she and Tom would usually go to. After dinner and desert, which Stevie complained about to Tom, asking him did he want her to get fat, as he just rolled his eyes and told her to eat it, they were taking their time walking back to Stevie's.

Tom was a lovely guy, she thought, such a gentleman. He saw her shudder and he didn't hesitate to take off his jacket and put it on her shoulders. She thanked him and let him take her hand. But that was pretty much all that she let him do, plus a kiss here and there. Stevie knew she wasn't going to have a long-term relationship with this man, no she just needed him for a little while, even if it was selfish of her. He made her forget about her wedding that never happened and it also kept Lindsey away.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to invite you in tonight. I'm exhausted." Stevie said, when they reached the apartment building. 

"Oh, it's okay." Tom smiled, cupping her cheek with the palm of his hand. "You go rest and I'll be here tomorrow to pick you up."

"See you then." She stifled a yawn, sensing he was leaning closer for a kiss.

"Goodnight, beautiful."

She half smiled and waved at him, before walking through the door inside. She made it to her floor and rummaged through her bag for the keys. She sighed kicking off her heels, as she flicked the light on. It couldn't have been ten minutes, when Stevie heard a knock. 

"What on earth are you doing here?" She glared, a hand on her hip. "Have you been creeping outside, waiting for me?"

"I may have." Lindsey shrugged, hands in his pockets, as arrogant as ever. "You and him look ridiculous together."

"You got that off your chest, you can go now." Stevie wanted to close the door, but he didn't let her, sticking his foot in the doorway. "I am not in the mood to communicate with you."

"Hey... I, uh... actually, I came here to apologize."

"Wait, what? Did I hear that correctly?"

"Yeah, yeah, now stop looking at me that way."

Stevie smirked, crossing her arms. "This had to be unbelievably hard for you, I'm sure. How many times in your life have you told someone you were sorry? Or is this the first one?"

"Will you just accept my apology and let me in?" Lindsey was getting frustrated, especially knowing that she had moved above him in their power play.

"Why should I? You said you were sorry, now off you go."

Lindsey realized fairly quickly after that little incident in his office that he wasn't going to get Stevie if he forced himself onto her, she was clearly unlike other women that had been a part of his life. He had to try a different approach, therefore, he could not show her he was getting more annoyed with each second. 

"You're still pissed off."

"Of course I am." She nodded, but stepped aside and let him enter her home. "You're not the first man to try and have his way with me, you know? What gets me angry is that you think you can do it and it's totally normal."

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