Are you sure?

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Another few weeks went by and Stevie found herself standing at Lindsey's doorstep. She didn't know why she was there, she guessed, he finally met with his father in law, as when he told her of his plan to do so the following week during his visit at her place, it fell through. Or so he told her...

Lindsey also promised Bridget will not be home, yet Stevie wanted to strangle him the second she saw his wife open the door. 

"Stephanie, is it?" Bridget asked, folding her arms. "May I ask what are you doing here?"

"I, uh... Actually, I'm not entirely sure. Linds- uh, Mr. Buckingham asked me to come over."

"Cut the crap, I know you're sleeping with him."

"I think it's best I go." Stevie was to turn around, but Bridget stopped her.

"No, why don't you come in instead? I have a question for you."

Stevie couldn't express just how awkward the whole situation made her feel, but she took a deep breath and followed Lindsey's wife inside. Although, she wasn't expecting a beverage to be offered.

"I want you to tell me, how are you so special? What do you have that appeals to my husband so much? You're all that matters to him lately."

Stevie gulped, taking a seat in the living room, at the same time somewhat satisfied with the lack of Bridget and Lindsey's pictures together. "I guess it's not me you should be asking that, but Lindsey."

"You've got some nerve... I'm not going to repeat myself here, I'll only tell you once. Thank you for changing my husband into the man I've always wanted him to be, but now that your job is done, I'm asking you to back off."

"Back off? I'm not exactly sure how to do that. He told me he's in love with me, I don't think he could just forget about his feelings. Nor could I, because I feel the same."

"Listen to me, you skank-"

"Don't you dare insult me." Stevie jumped to her feet, pointing a finger at Bridget. "It wasn't me who started it. It was Lindsey, who started groping me on my second day at work."

"He does that to every woman, who works for him." 

"Yeah, but they usually give in right away too and I didn't. I've had my heart broken and I wasn't about to let some asshole do whatever he pleases to me. In time, Lindsey changed, he really did. He learnt how to treat women, that we aren't just for fun. He waited for me, he fell in love with me."

"He would have told you anything to get you in his bed." Bridget laughed it off. 

"And I'm shocked how it doesn't faze you at all! Your husband is sleeping around and you don't mind, how is that even possible? Don't you have any self respect? Why are you still married to him? Clearly, there aren't any fond feelings between the two of you."

"Because I'd rather have a husband like Lindsey, than be a divorcee. I couldn't stand the humiliation, my friends would never give it a rest."

"Well, then I suggest you find new friends. You know, I don't like you and I know you don't like me either, but let Lindsey go if you care about him at all. You both would be a lot happier." Stevie was rather surprised at how well this was going, she was sure Bridget would be screaming the place down with her accusations and such.

"Again, you will be the one, letting Lindsey go, despite what you say about you being in love."

"I won't."

"Excuse me? How can you stand here, in my home and tell me you will not stay away from my husband?"

Stevie took a moment, contemplating, then... "Because I'm pregnant."

Lindsey had just closed the front door, not having heard anything, but Stevie say those last three words. Silence followed, during which he joined the two women in the living room. 

"You're pregnant?"

Stevie faced him, turning around abruptly. "I am."

"So..." He swallowed, throwing his suitcase aside. "You've been seeing someone behind my back? Are you still with Tom?!"

Stevie couldn't believe what she was hearing. "The baby is yours, you idiot!"

"How is that possible..." Lindsey frowned, sitting down. 

"I can't believe you right now." She shook her head, sighing heavily. "I'm fourteen weeks, Lindsey. When did we go to New York, huh? Don't you recall yourself telling me you're in love with me? Saying how you would do anything to have me, be with me? And how afterwards we made love and continued to do so for the remainder of our trip?"

"Is it true? What she's saying, is it true, Lindsey?" Bridget seethed. 

"I just..." Head in his hands. "Stevie, are you absolutely sure?" He tilted his chin up, locking his eyes with Stevie's, instantly seeing how his words hurt her. 

"I should have known you weren't any different." She swallowed the tears, doing her best not to let them spill. 

"Answer me, Lindsey!" His wife demanded again.

"Bridget, I... we... yes, we slept together, but..." Hearing the word 'but' was enough for Stevie, as she grabbed her handbag and headed for the door. "No, Stevie, wait!"

"Oh, so you're going to chase after her?! Are you sure that's a wise choice?"

Lindsey looked from his wife to the direction Stevie ran out, cursing loudly. He fucked up. Badly. He was going to ask Bridget for divorce, but not this way. A small part of him still believed their separation could be friendly. And then there was Stevie, who told him she was carrying his baby and he knew he hurt her immensely, questioning her. He shouldn't have, he should have just ran after her, but he remained frozen, standing in the same spot, wishing for the ground to open up and swallow him whole.

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