Chapter 2: Night Class

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-Your POV-

I woke up with a painful head ache that wouldn't go away. I slowly opened my eyes to see three people. Two of them looked like they were about the same age, but the other one was much older and had a... pony tail?

I squinted my eyes as I look up at the man with the pony tail. He smiles cheerfully down at me. As I start to get up, I feel a sharp pain from my shoulder and I whimper in pain. I look at all three of them, a bit scared.

"There's no need to worry, miss." The man with the pony tail said. 

"(F/N)." You said firmly.

"Oh, so that is your name? Well, then, this is Kaname, Yuki, and I'm the head master of this academy!"

'Yuki.' I thought to myself.

"But..." The head master said. "You can just call me father!" As he tried to jump at you to give you a hug, you stood up from the couch and swiftly dodged. He landed into the couch, and knocked the couch other, along with him.

"Oh, (F/N)! You're so mean!" The head master said with falling tears.

I slowly backed away from the head master. As I took a few steps back, I bumped into a hard a firm object... The wall..? That can't be right. The wall is all the way other there... I reach my hand up to the object and find... A nose? 

What kind of wall is this? It's soft.... I began to squeeze the so called 'wall.' My hand had ran down lower, still trying to figure what kind of wall this is. I stop at a part where it was some-what flat.. but there's a small lump (Um, it's called a nipple? Smart one).

Oh, shit.

I finally turn my head around to find a man almost around my height, but me being a bit shorter. I try to speak, but no words come out. I back up in embarrassment as he just watches and looks down at me. It feels so threatening.  

"I-I'm so sorry!" I quickly saw before bowing. 

I felt a pair of small arms on my shoulders which made me flinch a bit as the hands had touched my wound. It lead me to the now stood up right couch and I turned around to look who it is...

Yuki Cross.

I quickly slapped the hands off me as I stood back up from the couch. I looked at everyone once again, slightly glaring at everyone in the room. I looked to the door and a boy with sliver hair walks in, then stopping in his tracks. He then quickly backs out.

"What is this place? Where am I?" I asked with so many questions flowing through my head.

"This is the Cross Academy, where there is a day class, and a night class." The head master said.

"A night class? Why would there be a night... class." I stopped reminding myself.

There's another pure blood in this room.

Luckily, he doesn't know that I'm a pure blood. Or else, he would be asking me a lot of questions that I probably can't handle. Thank god that I got soaked in the potion that I made while I was back at Rido's before I escaped...


I bet he has something to do with Kaname other here. Could they be related of some sort? I don't know. But, I think that it's best that I don't bring up that name around any vampires that could be on the school campus. Especially another pure blood.

"So, (F/N), do remember anything since you passed out?" Head master asked me.

I tried to recall something, but I slowly shook my head, not remembering since I've been taken over by someone or something.

So, the head master told me all that happened ever since I 'wasn't there.'

-Explanations later-

So, that voice must have took over my body. But, I feel like it was trying to protect me from some reason... 

"I think that (F/N) should be in the night class. I mean, it's the only way we could watch over her so she doesn't do something recklessly." Kaname said seriously.

We all looked at him, dumbfound.

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