Chapter 6: Town

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But that picture though.


I decided to wake up in the afternoon to go and explore places. I stood up and opened the curtains with the sun blazing on my face. Damn, the sun is setting quick. I wince a bit as I quickly closed the curtains. I rubbed my eyes and I quickly put on a (F/C) shirt (Thank you, with black skinny jeans.

I looked on the ground and found the red stained towel that Kaname gave to me. I picked it up and walked out. I stood at his door, a bit frightened to knock. Warning: You should never wake up or knock on a vampires door. Especially a pure blood. I had goose bumps run down my spine as I jump placed the towel on the ground in front of the door, and ran off.

I slowly open the door to the moon dorms and the sun shoot itself at me. I fell back and quickly grabbed a umbrella. I walked out and down the bridge and I walked down to the gates of the academy, slowly opening it.

I shut it behind me and I walked down to the strange town at the bottom. I glanced around and saw a shop fully of candy. My eyes sparkled in amazement as I dashed towards the store. There was so much (Favorite candy) my jaw dropped open and almost fell off.

I looked around the corner and saw a whole pocky aisle. My eyes widened. I didn't know that this thing was that popular. I wonder what they taste like. I took a couple of boxes and took more. I'll give two of them to Rima and Shiki just because I'm nice~

I paid for everything and I walked out with multiple bags in my arms and shoulders. Right in front of the candy shop, I spot a small bakery. I took a small whiff and it smelled to good. My mouth slowly drooled and I came crashing into the bakery's glass doors.

The seem - to - be owner looked at me like I was a psychopathy person. I wouldn't blame him. I quickly fixed my posture and fixed my hair, slowly walking in. The bakers face seemed to calm down a bit and he greeted me with a welcoming smile.

"So, what would you like, miss?" He questioned me.

"Hmmm.. Oh! I would like those! And those! And those! And- ooh! what is that!?" I looked at the pastries and sighed in delight. By the time I got out there, the sun was setting and I smiled. Finally, I don't need this umbrella.

'(F/N), you should help that boy.' The voice said.

I looked over and saw a little boy crying. I slowly walked over to him and keeled down to his height. I tried to look at him in the eyes, but they were shut tight from crying. He stopped crying and stood up. He ran off into an alley and chased after him.

"Wait up!" I shouted.

He suddenly stopped in front of a building and turned around to look at me. I now realized his expression was an evil smirk. I backed up a bit as he walked forward to me. A level E vampire. Why am I so stupid!? I soon noticed that there were more than one of the level E's surrounding me.

"Is this her?" One asked.

"Yes, this is lady (F/N)." Some other one asked.

Their eyes started to glow a crimson color.

"If you're wondering what is going on, you're being taken back to lord Rido's." Someone in the shadows said.

'Psst, (F/N), let me use your body. I can help you out with this.' The voice said.

'What!? No!'

'Why not? I protected you the last time~' It pouted.

'....Fine. But if some thing goes wrong it's all your fault!' I said as fell to the ground and went blank.

-??? POV-

I slowly got up and looked down at myself. I looked at every single one of them. They looked so confused. I cracked my knuckles and blew the silver hair from you of my face.

"Everything seems to be in order." I said, smirking.

"Who are you? What happened to lady (F/N)?" The first one questioned me.

"Who me? My name is Alice (Sorry if your name is Alice. ; - ;) and (F/N) is still here, isn't that right?" I said.

Oh, shut up.

I giggled. "You all have on the count of three to run for you worthless lives." I said with venom in my voice.

"Or what?" One laughed.

"Or this." He quickly got slashed in half and turned to ashes.

"Now, then..... 1....." A vampire turned into ashes.

Vampires eyes widened.

"2.... " A group a vampires suddenly disappeared with colorful dust replacing them.

Most of them started to run, but they all dropped to the ground and turned to dust.


There was only 4 on them all left, I killed three of them with one swipe of my hand, and leaving one shaking in fear on the ground, looking like he was about to burst into tears and scream for his mommy.

"You." I said as I glared down at him.

"Tell lord Rido that (F/N) refuses to go back to that hell. If you don't you'll die. But, you'll die either way." I said as he scurried off.

I walked up to the gates and jumped over them. I saw someone the day class out at night and I glared at them."

"What are you people doing out here? Go back to your dorms." They ran.

I walked to the moon dorm and find everyone waiting for (F/N). Their expressions quickly changed as they saw who it truly was. I shoved my way past them all and walked into the moon dorm. I walked up stairs and entered her room, falling down on it.

"That was so much fun~" I said as I looked up at the ceiling.

"Good night, (F/N)...." I quickly passed out on the bed.

-Your POV-

I shot out of the bed and looked at myself in the mirror. I saw my (H/L), (H/C) hair in my face and my soft, smooth (S/C) skin. I sighed in relief and sat on the bed.

Wait... I remember everything now. I stood up quickly and screamed.


You Never Loved Me [ Kaname x Reader ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang