Rule #1: DON'T Call Me 'Mr Ravioli'

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Even yawned as he slid into his desk at Titan Academy. Throwing his school bag under his chair, he groaned.

"I hate this place! Why won't you just let me skip? I'm old enough to make my own decisions."

Mikasa rolled her eyes. "Well, you are obviously not very responsible for your age, or you wouldn't be skipping."

"Who are you to tell me how to live my life?"

"I'm your sister." Mikes pulled out her homework and set it face down on the desk. "I don't want you flipping burgers for the rest of your life. You need to grow up and graduate."

"Tch. Whatever." Even mumbled, and as he did, the bell rang, and the classroom door opened.

Biology class has officially begun.

Eren noticed everybody in the room had their homework out on their desk. As usual, he forgot. He wasn't very concerned though. Ms. Zoe is pretty laid back, She would let it slide.

But their usual teacher didn't walk through the door. Instead, a man entered, Throwing his binder on the teachers desk. Looking at the students, he glared at one in particular.

"What makes you think it's okay to eat in a science lab?" He spat at Sasha, who stopped with a forkful of hash browns halfway to her mouth.

"Ms. Zoe always lets us eat in here."

The man furrowed his eyebrows, "Well, clean up your mess. Just don't get sick. I don't want the paperwork."

He eyed the rest of the class. "My name is Levi Rivaille. You will call me Mr. Rivaille. If you call me 'Mr. Ravioli' I will be pissed and rip you a new asshole." Levi paused, letting it sink in. "Do as I say, Don't yell, Clean up, Cover your disgusting mouths when you cough, and everything will be peachy, got it?"

The Class nodded, intimidated by Levi's strictness. They fidgeting in their chairs, waiting for the final bell to ring.

All but Eren, who only heard "Mr. Ravioli" He was trying to contain a giggle attack, when finally, he broke out laughing hysterically.

Levi laid eyes on Eren, then looked at Jean, who sat in front of Mikasa. "Who is this clown?"

Jean smirked. "The stupidest person on Earth."

Mikasa kicked his chair, "You're a fucking idiot." She growled.

Levi moved onto Eren, who had his head in his hand, finally catching his breath. "What's so funny......." is Eren. Even Jaeger." The second Eren looked at Levi, they locked eyes.

Be professional, dipshit, Levi thought to himself. But he found he couldn't remember what he was going to say.

"Tch. See me after school." Levi said. then pointed to Jean, "You, too, Horseface."

Levi then picked up the thick stack of lesson plans, and saw all the doodles and formulas that Hanji Written all over it. "What the fuck is this shit? Genetics?"

The students were shocked. Their substitute sure had a foul mouth.

"You know what...I hate this place just as much as all of you." Levi saw Armin's eyes go downcast.

...."Okay, I hate this place more than most of you." He corrected. "Get out. Ring Ring. Schools over. Bye."

The class stared blankly at Levi. Did he just dismiss them early?

"What are you brats looking at? Scram!"

Best teacher ever.

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