Rule #7 Keep Your Hands And Feet To Yourself

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(Contains offensive...words)

Eren picked up the roll with his chopsticks - albeit clumsily at first - dunking it in soy sauce and reluctantly put it in his mouth.

Onma gawd its great.

Levi noticed this and chuckled.  "See, I told you so."

He was right. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. The seaweed is hard to chew, and the rice falls apart, but the shrimp is cooked to perfection, and the cucumber adds a refreshing addition to the roll.

The mimosa is a nice touch too. Classy.

They ate their meal, exchanging small talk.

During this, however, Eren would accidentally kick Levi in the leg or foot under the table. Each and every time, Levi would scold him.

" Cut that out, brat. "
"Do you have a death wish or something?"
"Oi! Knock it off!"

Every time, Eren would apologize, in a mess of stutters, stumbling over his words nervously.

They continued to converse, when Eren   shuffled his feet, once again, kicking Levi in the shin.

"Why do you insist on playing footsie with me, Jaeger?" Levi grimaced, kicking Eren right back.

"Owww" Eren whimpered, realizing that kick would leave a bruise.

Damn it Levi.....

Eren grinned and roughly nudged Levi's feet again. Waiting for a reaction. He expected Levi to blow up in a fit of curses and offensive slang. He envisioned Levi like a leprechaun, jumping up and down on his short legs, throwing a temper tantrum.

"You think this is funny, you little shit?" Levi scowled, delivering another kick to Eren, but instead if Eren's leg, his foot hit the leg of the bar stool.

"motherfu......" Levi flinched, silencing his swearing in a fine dining area.

"Missed me, missed me. Now you gotta kiss me!" Eren taunted.

Levi, pulled Eren's stool as close to his as possible, and brought his hand to the brunette's chin. He then unhesitatingly pressed his lips against Eren's, causing people at different tables to point and whisper.

"Fucking fags"

Hearing this made Eren furious, his body tensing as he clenched his fists. Levi noticed this and took Eren's hand into his own.

"Just ignore it. " Levi whispered into the kiss. 

Eren was about to deepen the kiss when Farlan cleared his throat.

The couple jolted back. "Farlan. You ruined a perfectly good moment" Levi growled.

"It isn't smart to go all PDA here, and you know that." Farlan said, tapping his foot and clicking his pen repeatedly.

Levi rebelled against Farlan's advice and let go of Eren's hand, moving up dangerously close to the brunette's crotch. Eren jumped and his face reddened.

Farlan handed Levi the check. "Get a room, boys." He winked, taking the payment from Levi right away.

"Good idea. How does that sound, Eren?" Levi joked, again, tightening his grip on Eren's upper thigh.

Such a fucking tease!!

"Uh--" Eren began, but Farlan held up a hand, smiling wholeheartedly.

"You don't have to answer that. Levi is just a sadist who likes to also make people uncomfortable. "

"Haa...I can tell. " Eren agreed glaring at Levi for embarrassing him. Levi, in turn, smirked. Standing up as he drank the last of the cocktail, he motioned for Eren to get up.

"Its getting late. We'll be off" Levi waved.

Farlan laughed. "Stay out of trouble you two." He gestured to the busboy, who scurried to the bar and cleared the table.

Levi glared back at Farlan as he stepped halfway through the door. "Same for you, shit head. We both know you're the real naughty one here."

Farlan's face reddened at ghe words that left Levi's tasty lips.

"That was history." Farlan replied. Looking anywhere except Levi's gaze.

Eren could've sworn he heard Levi say "Don't be so sure" and he felt a tinge of jealousy.

Levi...... and Farlan?

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