Rule #5: Prioritize

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"Who is it?" Levi asked.


Levi saw the concern in Eren's eyes and rolled his eyes. "Ignore it."

Eren looked at him like he was crazy. "Are you nuts?"

"Maybe a little bit."

Eren answered the phone.

"Hi MIkasa. I'm studying with....Armin.. Okay. I'm fine. I promise. Jeez! don't worry. okay bye."

Eren hung up then quickly switched to the messaging app. Texting furociously, he told Armin to go with the story, if Mikasa were to call.

He then reached for his bag, and pulled, but it was wedged in super tight.


He kept tugging, then all of a sudden, his foot slipped on his shirt that was laying on the ground, and he fell forward, hitting his nose on the table.


Eren stood up and held his nose, and it started bleeding.

"So, what did she say?" Levi asked, not at all concerned.

"Um....she said okay, and I'm kinda bleeding...."

Levi sighed and calmly walked to the hallway closet and dug around for a first aid kit. Finding it, he slowly set it down on the coffee table and then walked to the kitchen.

Rolling up his sleeves, he leaned over the sink and let the water run, waiting for it to reach the perfect temperature. Once he was satisfied, he squeezed a decent sized dollop of soap onto his hands. Washing his hands for a good four minutes, Eren was getting worried.

"I'm kinda bleeding to death here......" He called out.

"I know."

"Are your hands clean yet, Mr. Clean?"


Eren groaned, then had an idea...


Levi's eyes widened and he turned the water off and dried his hands on his legs. He ran into the living room and looked at the floor in a panic. "Omigod where? WHERE??"

Eren sighed and gestured to his nose. "You don't have to take four minutes to wash your hands."

"Yes I do." Levi replied, opening the first-aid box and grabbing a couple tissues.

"I was taught to wash my hands for twenty seconds."

"Disgusting. Youth nowadays are all disgusting."

Eren couldn't help but smile. "How long do you brush your teeth? Four minutes?"

Levi's eyes narrowed, "As a matter of fact, yes. Four minutes, swish for one, and floss, three times a day."

"You only have to do it twice a day, for like two minutes."

"Why would I take advice from you? Do you realize how bad your breath smells?" Levi replied, his nose wrinkling in a oddly cute way.

Eren cupped his hand over his mouth and breathed into it.

Its not that bad. Eren sulked. Glaring at the wall behind Levi, not knowing where else to look. 

Levi sighed, "Pinch the bridge of your nose, then get dressed."

Eren felt his heart stop. Did I make Levi angry? Why is he telling me to get dressed?


Levi smirked. "I'm starving. Lets go out to eat somewhere."

So it's a date. Wow.

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