Rule #10: Don't Stay Up Late On A School Night

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Eren put his finger up to the spider, pushing it to climb on him. Levi's lip curled.

"What the fuck--" Levi began, but was cut off when the brunette had a mischievous grin lighting up his face. He stepped out of the shower and walked closer to Levi, his pant legs and bare back and shoulders got wet. With his arm extended out, he taunted Levi, who was backing away.

"Hey, you little fucker..."

Eren took a larger step, and Levi's back hit the wall. He was cornered.

"Don't say that, or else you'll make the spider angry. We wouldn't want this little guy to eat you alive, now would we?"

Levi's leaned back as far away from the spider as he could, and when the finger it was perched on was directly in front of his nose, the older man bolted. Ducking under the arm and flying through the door in a blur.

"GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!!" Levi yelled, his voice was more panicked than angry. Eren chuckled, before opening a window and tossing the spider out.

"Okay. It's gone." He called out, shutting and locking the spotless window. He headed to the bedroom to see Levi standing in a defensive position, gripping a pillow in front of him for protection.

"Are you seriously that scared of spiders?"

Levi didn't reply. He simply threw the pillow at Eren, who dodged it, before running to the ravenette and tickled him. 

The older man giggled, an loud, hunky laugh that sent shivers of familiarity down Eren's back. this was where he was meant to be, and the feeling of deja vu flooded him. Despite this being the first time him ever doing this, he wondered why he hadn't met this man sooner. His teenage heart was instantly falling for his substitute biology teacher. 

He suddenly had the urge to kiss him.

So, ceasing the movements of his fingers, he pulled in the smaller male into him, holding his lower back as his lips met Levi's again. Without fail, the bruenette kissed the older into a melted puddle, which was tugging his arm toward the bed. 

Things.....escalated. yes. That's the perfect term for the situation. Things escalated.

Eren's hand went up to ruffle the wet hair that left droplets of chilled water running down his chest and shoulders. The brunette's heart fell when the man in his arms began to shiver. 

He had two options. Tell Levi he should either get in the shower, or get dried off and dressed. Or, leave him as he is.

"Are you gonna get in the shower?" Eren asked him when the broke the kiss. 


"It's late..."


"Are you afraid that I didn't get rid of the spider?"

The ravenette looked almost what Eren could call pathetic. It was unlike Levi for him to give a slow, tiny nod. Eren siged, and made up his mind.

Pulling Levi back into the bathroom, he felt the water streaming down from the shower head and was surprised that there was still hot water left. 

Without word or a lick of self-consciousness, the teen unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off, Levi's short intake of breath was counter-acted by grabbing the ravenette's hand and leading it to the band of his underwear. 

"Well, the water is still warm"

Levi's eyebrow raised as his towel fell, and with it came down the final piece of clothing Eren was wearing. The two stepped into the shower, forgetting about the pervy spider that had previously trespassed there.

Hands greedily felt each other up, Levi loving how Eren's felt under equally wet skin. The way his lips fellt against his, that tongue that sent undeniable heat through his body. The duo breathed heavily as they both began to stiffen.

"Turn around." Eren whispered, and the two word command hit Levi hard enough that he was sure it could have pushed him against the tile wall.


Eren smirked as Levi did so, presenting him with a beautiful backside and a delicious glance over the shoulder. His hands were pressed against the tile in front of him, water running down every contur of his small but fit body.

Eren's breath hitched, and he whimpered as his member hardened to the point to where it was painful.

"Horny aleady, brat?"

"Like you're the one to talk." Eren grinned and pushed his body against Levi's, his cock rutting against the accepting ass. "Relax. You're tense."

Levi scowled, a blush rising to his face. "Sh-shaddup."

Without even a tiny warning, Eren grabbed Levi's ass and thrusted forward, his cock ball deep inside.

Levi let out a whimper, but was hushed to a small moan when Eren began to move his hips, running his hands along the smaller man's back and waist. His fingers drummed against hot skin, trailing up to massage his shoulders, not at all letting up on the quickening pace of his thrusts.

Sweet moans rolled past Levi's lips, his eyes closing as his face was leaning against the wall. toned forearms supported his weight against the wall as his body trembled while being penetrated by his student.

"hnnng..ah...haah...." Levi felt himself getting closer and closer to his climax, and was pushed even closer to the edge when Eren reached aroud and stroked his aching cock. 

"It's getting...late. It's...a-ah...a school night. " Eren said, his speed getting faster.

"Ah..ah...Eren....Nghhh..." Levi moaned out, and a silent scream was all he could manage when Eren drilled into him, his ass stretched wide by a cock larger than his own. 

Sooner than he would have liked, and without much warning, Eren gasped and panted, before releasing inside of Levi, triggering the ravenette to cry out in esctasy. Semen splattered along the shower walls.

Catching their breaths, they were startled when the water turned cold.

Eren pulled out and quickly shut it off. Wasting no time, he lifted Levi in his arms and got out of the shower. He kicked the towelon the floor up and Levi caught it. They made their way to the bedroom.

"Better get some sleep. The last thing we want is you to be cranky in the morning." Eren said, rushing to dry off his body an crawl into bed with Levi.

But wat he said was unheard. Levi was fast asleep next to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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