Rule #2: Pay Attention When People Are Talking

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One by one, the senior class filed out. Jean and Eren followed them.

"Oh no you don't." Levi called out to both of them. Jean and Eren sat down at the desks closest to them.

The ravenette looked at Jean and wrinkled his nose "You. Get out. Stop being a dick in class." Jean stumbled out of the chair and scurried out the door. Levi walked to the door and shut it, turning the lock.

Then, looking back at the brunette, he got a good assessment of him. He was fucking gorgeous.

Levi stood there staring. Taking it in. Stunning blue-green eyes, and a boyish face. His brown hair was all over the place. His body...muscular, he was tall. tan- Jesus! He would have every person swooning!

He had to snap out of it......But that was the thing,

Eren was scanning him up and down, speechless.

Eren bit his lip. Black undercut, short, but looks strong, fair, flawless skin. Eyebrows like delicate wings, and tasty looking lips. Oh, and those striking icy-cobalt eyes.

Yeah...He was gay. Everyone in the school knew it. His gaydar was scary accurate. Eren came to a coincidental conclusion.

His teacher was a major homo..

They both remained hypnotized...Until the bell rang.

"Oi, Do you have your homework?" Levi asked, knowing full-well that he didn't.

"N-no-I for-"

Levi turned around and strutted to the filing cabinet, and pulled it open. He looked through the contents and found records of students.

That dumb teacher keeps them this accessible?" Levi was shocked. He thumbed through the manilla folders and found the name he was looking for.

He pulled it out, keeping his back to Eren, who he felt his eyes were clued on, and looked at his overall report.

Academic comments: 'Struggles at Astronomy. Needs to be more motivated.;

Behavioral comments: 'Harassment toward the male students, Doesn't work well with others.'

Well. That's great.

Eren cleared his throat, startling Levi. So, he quickly organized the messy file drawer and locked it. Then, he gathered his binder and belongings and gestured Eren to follow him. "I don't want to be in this God-forsaken hell hole. Let's go."

Eren had to jog to keep up with the swift strides of the man, and resisted the urge to look below the waist....

It was quite a body...

"Oi! What are you looking at?" Levi asked, and Eren saw that he was holding the door for him.

"Where are we going?" Eren cocked his head, seeing Levi toying with his car keys.

"You're house or mine?"

The duo approached a '67 Chevy Impala. [Supernatural, anybody?] Eren's eyes widened. "Nice ride!" He always had a thing for the classics.

"Thanks, kiddo. Again, I ask,-- Because you NEVER PAY ATTENTION... your house or mine?"

Eren thought about it. Levi was a clean freak. Obviously... His house is...well....not Levi-friendly. Anyway, why was his new biology teacher asking?

Thoughts kept running through Eren's mind. And they got more and more edgy, until his hormones won over. His face turned beet red.

"Is your house clean?" Levi asked, seemingly reading the seniors mind.

Even shook his head.

"Alright. That settles it. My place." He opened the door for Eren, and then walked around. The doors closed,

Eren had goosebumps. He was so close! I'm in his car. I'm going to his house!

"Hey, control yourself, hormonal brat." Levi smirked, seeing how he affected the teen. It was clear he had the feels for him.

No... this isn't right..I'm a teacher. He is my student....I can get in huge- Levi shrugged, turning the key in the ignition, the car purring, and Eren grinned, throwing Levi off.

God, why does he have to have such a beautiful smile? Levi figured Principle Smith wouldn't mind, -they are long time friends after all- If he flirted with this guy. I mean, who wouldn't.

Levi hid his smile with his hand and continued down the road to his home. I can't wait to get to know this brat a bit more.

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