Rule #6: Try New Things

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The duo hopped into the car and Levi turned the keys in the ignition. The Impala purred as it started, and Levi reached to turn down the music they left blaring.

"Awww. I liked that song...." Eren whined.

"Ever eat sushi?" Levi glared at Eren. and turn, Eren wrinkled his nose, and shook his head.

"Raw fish? Eww! No way!"

Levi pulled out of the driveway and sped down the road, making sharp turns and passing illegally whenever he could.

"Dude! You're going to get us killed!" The brunette was holding on for dear life, as he hurried to put his seat belt on.

"Have you ever even tried sushi before?" Levi said in his monotone voice.

"I'm going to lose my appetite before we even get there!" Eren mumbled. "Your crazy driving is making my stomach queasy."

"Chill the fuck out. We're almost there." Levi was zooming down the empty residential roads. Eren kept looking out for the police.

"Oi, brat,  I said calm down." Levi growled. "I'm fucking starving.  I want to eat, and  I want to eat RIGHT NOW."

Somebody's grouchy when he's hungry......


Eren chuckled at his lame play on words, when he saw the restaurant sign approaching.

"'Bout fuckin' time." Levi sighed.

Finally, they pulled up at a sushi house, and Levi yanked his seat belt off and parked the car crooked in the stall.

"You're eating some fucking sushi." Levi demanded. "You don't even know how it tastes, and you're already saying it's gross."

Eren sighed and tripped getting out of the car. Catching up to Levi, who was in full stride to the restaurant, their hands bumped into each others. Taking advantage of this, Eren caught Levi's hand and held it, interlocking their fingers.

Eren felt Levi tense, and he assumed that was a good thing, because the ravenette didn't make any effort to let go.

Swinging the door open they were greeted with a kind smile from a tall blond.

"Hey Farlan." (He is not dead. I love him too much to accept his death)

Farlan's eyes lit up when he saw Levi. "It's great to see you again! Who is this fella?"

Eren blushed and Levi spoke up. "This is Eren, my boyfriend."

Eren almost choked on his own [not so smelly] breath.

Farlan winked, "Alright. Is the bar okay with you?"

Levi nodded, and the waiter escorted them to the sushi bar, where the chefs were preparing the food. Eren felt woozy as he watched what he thought was the most disgusting food ever being made right in front of his eyes. The odd smell wafted to his nose, and he wrinkled it.

"I'll take a mimosa. He'll have the same." Levi said, and Eren hid his surprise. Underage drinking? He wasn't sure if he was okay with this.....but he will see when he tries the alcoholic beverage.

Farlan nodded, and Levi held his hand up, stopping him from hurrying away. We both know what we want to order.."

Levi! Shaddup! I don't have the slightest idea! Eren smiled casually and closed the menu, mentally screaming at their lack of Chinese meals.

"We will both have the shrimp tempura roll."

Farlan scribbled this down on his notebook, and clicked his pen. "Forks?"

Eren opened his mouth to say yes, but Levi spoke out first. "No. Chopsticks are fine."

"Okay! I'll have that out shortly!" Farlan grabbed the champagne flutes that were set out on the edge of the bar,  filled to the brim, and set them in front of them. "Here you go, boys."

When Farlan was a safe distance away, Eren looked at the orange flute with obvious suspicion. "This looks like a screwdriver."

Levi smirked. "Do you even know what a screwdriver is?"

Eren nodded. "Yeah, orange juice and vodka."

"This is a mimosa, dumbass. it is champagne and orange juice."

Eren's face heated up, owning up to his mistake, and feeling oddly immature for not knowing his cocktails.

Levi casually took a sip of his bright drink and set it down, Eren did the same.

Eren took a moment to taste it, and surprisingly, he actually enjoyed the bitter and citrusy flavor of it.

"Like it?" Levi glanced at the brunette next to him.

"Actually yes, I do. I love oranges though. Its my favorite fruit."

They sat there, gazing in each other's eyes, unsure what to say. Eren broke away from the eye contact, and watched the chef put together the roll.

"What's shrimp tempura?" Eren asked, nervous to try something so.....different.

"Fucking German." Levi mumbled under his breath. "Its COOKED shrimp, rolled into SEAWEED, and RICE, with CUCUMBER, and it is delicious when dunked in SOY SAUCE." Levi put emphasis on the ingredients, "See, nothing you can complain about. Plus, you get your servings of every food group in this entire meal."

Eren chuckled. "Look who's talking! You must've not ate your vegetables when you were younger, shorty!"

"Can it, Jaeger."

Eren flushed and picked up the disposable chopsticks, fumbling with them, Levi rolled his eyes.  "You are fucking clueless."

Eren scoffed "I can't help it! Besides, there is a first time for everything."

Levi took Eren's hands into his own, "So, what you do is you hold this one between this finger and this one, (Too much work to describe. I'm sorry.) And that one is used for support, Then you take this one......" Levi adjusted Eren's grip on the chopsticks "You hold between this fingers. The closer your hands are to your food, the more wrong you are."

Levi trained Eren on how to use chopsticks in a matter of a couple minutes, and by the time Farlan came trotting over, he was a master.

"He's a quick learner, I see." Farlan commented, and Levi looked at the waiter.

"Yes. He is quite the newbie." Levi chirped, reaching down to pat Eren's thigh.

"I see that, with you two ordering tempura. Squeamish of raw fish?"

Eren nodded. "Kinda, yeah." His voice cracked, causing his face to heat up even more. He was never good at meeting new people and having his flaws mentioned right after introduction.

"I promise you will enjoy it. Farlan beamed. "Your first time will leave a good impression on you."

At this, Levi dragged his hand a little higher up Eren's thigh, and squeezed, causing Eren to jolt. "Your first tim eating his wont be the last" Eren's skin prickled with goosebumps at the suggestive comment. Assuming he was talking about sushi, and not you-know-what.

Fucking pervert.

Farlan patted Levi's back. "Ah...Your food is ready." He reached for the two dishes and set them in front of the two men. He had to set Levi's plate down and grip it at a different angle, as to serve it the right way. (When serving food to people, the dish should always be set so the garnish is  furthest away from the person.) "Sorry about the reach..."

"Someone is a klutz." Levi smirked.

Farlan was about to shoot a smart assed comeback, but the manager paced around within earshot of them...Farlan bit his tongue, "Pardon me, Sir"

The manager walked away, and Farlan growled, leaning in closer to Levi's ear.

"I'm more graceful than you." and when Levi scowled, he straightened, out, flashing his supermodel smile.

"Enjoy :)"

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