Rule #8: Dont Pry

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Many things happened in the car ride home.

Levi moved to rest his arm over Eren's shoulder, Eren opening and closing his mouth, unsure if it was safe to even mention  Farlan, and Levi spotting out his emotional discomfort right away.

"If you have something to say, say it." Levi broke the silence, casting a sideways glance at the brunette beside him. He may not be the most social person in the world, but he could read people like a book--and Eren was like reading an easy children's picture book.

"S-so..Who is this Farlan?"

Levi took a second too long to respond, and Eren pulled himself away from under his arm. "And what about him makes you think you could touch me in public like that?"

Eren's face reddened as he pinned the blame on his senior, trying to compose himself. It was embarrassing!

Farlan made Levi sound like a total whore.

"Just an old friend of mine. Calm down."

"So you were just planning to screw me and ditch me?"

"Your jumping to conclusion-"

"Well, it certainly sounded like that was what you wanted to do-"

"THATS EOUGH." Levi raised his voice, silencing Eren. He gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white, letting out a huff of air.

The car had an awkward quietness, but neither of them dared to speak.

Dammit, Eren! You fucked up.

"Take me home, please." He said, but was pointedly ignored.

Eren watching the streetlights go by, he was less than surprised when the car came to a halt in Levi's driveway.

"I told you to take me home."

Levi sighed and slid out of the car. Walking around, he opened the passenger door and held it open for Eren, who sat there, pouting.

"Stubborn brat." Levi mumbled, reaching down to pick him up into his arms. Eren had half the mind to try to escape his hold, but somehow

The ravenette kicking the door shut, they went into the house.

"I'm tired." Levi said flatly, and Eren couldn't help but like the way his voice vibrated against him. It felt so familiar, for being from a close stranger.

Eren found himself being carried into a bedroom.

The room was spotless. Minimalistic and clean. Which came to no surprise. 

Like....if Levi was a bedroom. This would be him.

Levi all but threw Eren onto the bed, ruffling the sheets beneath him.

"Go to sleep."

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