Rule #9: It's More Scared Of You Than You Are Scared If It.

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Eren didn't complain, as he laid on his side under the warm blankets on the left side of the bed. He curled a fist into the comforter and gritted his teeth as he listened to the sound of Levi starting the shower and stepping in. 

Which is worse? A) lying to your sister; B) manipulating your best friend and forcing him to lie; C) sleeping with your substitute biology teacher or D) not making the most of the situation and just having fun.

God he was so confused.

Eren sat up and took his shirt off and threw it aside, a piece of clutter blemishing the spotless bedroom. He heard listened to the shower run, when he suddenly heard a low singing sound.

Levi...singing in the shower?

It didn't seem like something he would do. Eren couldn't help but blush at this. He wouldn't mind hearing him sing in the shower more often. His baritone was drowned out by the water hitting the tile, but from the sounds of it, he had a beautiful singing voice.

Levi's voice ceased abruptly, as the sound of bottles falling with a body echoed in the bathroom. A gasp was mixed with it, as the shower kept running.

"Levi?" Eren bolted out of bed, running towards the bathroom, when the door suddenly swung open. A disheveled, panicked short guy had a towel wrapped around his dripping wet lower body. His eyes blown wife and black hair sending droplets of water down his face and shoulders.

"Th-theres a-a...Oh my FUCKING GOD!"

Eren grabbed the man's shoulders and shook them. A stream of blood fell from his nose and  onto the carpet. Levi, didn't even seem to notice. His gaze was fixed on the bathroom he just stumbled out off.

Thats not right.

"What's the m--"

"KILL IT!! Just fucking KILL IT" Levi pointed shakily at the room and Eren stared at the bony limb questionably.
Without asking for any details, the brunette nervously entered the bathroom, fearing what he might find that was enough to scare Levi this much.

"B-behind the curtain on the-the wall."

Levi stuttering. How cute.

Eren took hold the curtain and tore it open. Nothin seemed to be wrong....

Nope. There was one abnormality.

A huge spider was minding its own business on the wall, poor thing suffocating in the steamy atmosphere.

"It's just a fucking--"

"I said kill it!!"

Eren had half the mind to obey and get rid of the bug, but what fun would that be? He had other plans.

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