Chapter 3

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Annabeth P.O.V.

I got up from the big leather chair and exited the conference room. On my way out of the building with Percy on my tail, Director Fury stopped us.

" I will expect you back tommorow morning. If your not here, I will send Agent Romanoff after you." he said. I nodded and pushed him out of my way. When we reached the sidewalk outside, I took a deep breath and huffed.

" Why do we have to do this? Why can't Jason or Nico or Thalia or Hazel do this?" I exclaimed. Percy grabbed my hand and pulled me to his side. It calmed me down a little, but I was still angry. Why did I even agree to this? I thought silently.

" Then why did you agree to it?" he asked. I shuddered at the thought that I could even think at all like him. But really, I didn't know. Did I agree to it because Percy was basicaly forced to? I really didn't even want to do this.

" I don't know. I had a gut feeling telling me to." I lied. Percy seemed to buy it. The rest of the way back to his apartment, we walked in silence, just holding hands. When we got back to his apartment, I plopped down on the couch angrily.

"Ugh, don't stay mad. My mom'll get worried." he said, and I shut up. All hades would break lose if his mom freaked.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~later on at dinner~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Ugh, do I have to eat this?" Percy whinned, poking his vegetables.

"Yeah Percy. Or no cookies until tommorow." Sally Jackson said, gesturing towards the platter of cookies. Percy bit his lip, and sighed.

"You see, about tommorow.." he said, before giving me a look as if to say You get to tell her. I huffed, but explained to Sally about earlier that day. When I finished, I thought she was going to yell. Instead, she just nodded her head and muttered " I figured this would happen..." before going back to her chicken and vegies.

After dinner, I went to sleep early, and I was half awake when Percy clambered into bed next to me.

Why did I agree to this? I thought as I drifted to sleep.

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