Chapter 9

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Annabeth P.O.V.

When we got back to Stark tower, we could see the fight. Tony had his armor on and was blasting monsters left and right. Percy took out riptide and uncapped it. He went for the nearest monster, which was a empousi, and slashed at it. The monster screeched and instantly disintegrated. I pulled out my dagger from where I keep it hidden under my shirt. I attacked a hellhound, and thought of Mrs. O'Leary, Percy's pet hellhound. Mulitiple times I heard yelling between people, but I couldn't make out the voices.

Out of the corner of my ear, I saw Percy attack a hellhound. His shirt was ripped (revealing his AWESOME six-pack.....) and blood was running down his arm. He looked in pain, but I shook it off. We have other important things to worry about.

Soon, the monsters were defeated. Tony went about fixing everything. Percy sat on a oak table as Clint stood behind him, pulling things out of his back.

"What happened?!" I yelped. Percy shrugged and winced.

"Don't move." Clint said.

"I fell when a hellhound lunged at me. Saved my life, but I unfortunatly landed on a glass table. Now Clints pulling out the glass shards that got stuck in my back." Percy said, flinching as Clint pulled a huge piece out. " Nothing bad."

"Nothing bad?! If one of hte shards had hit the Carotid artery, you could've died!" I yelled.

"Calm down Wise Girl. Geez, don't get all crazy. I'm fine!" he said. Clint backed away holding a bowl full of glass shards.

"You need to lay down and let your back rest." he stated, before walking away.

"Come on, let's get you upstairs!" I said, as I dragged him into the elevator.

When we got to our floor, I tossed Percy some p.j.'s to change into. I went into our bathroom and stripped, turning on the shower. The hot water washed all the monster grime off and calmed my nerves. Once I got out, I dried and put on underwear and one of Percy's tee shirts. It only reached mid thighs, but I didn't care.

When I came out, Percy was laying down and the t.v. was on.

"Watcha watchin?" I asked as I climbed into bed next to him.

"HArry Potter and the Halfblood Prince." he replied, eyes not wavering from the huge screen.

" I didn't know you liked Harry Potter." I said. It was true- I didn't even think he knew about Harry Potter.

" I read sometimes. I've read this, The giver, and the Hunger Games. My favorite though is The Gravyard book by Neil Gaimen." he said, and I felt guilty. I never assumed he even touced a book in his life.

Halfway through the movie, Percy fell asleep. His hair looked like a rats nest and he (unfortunatley) started drooling on me.

"Oh Seweed Brain," I said, before falling asleep to."


The first fight scene! Yay! Later on when they enter the war, they become more detailed.

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