Chapter 5

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Annabeth P.O.V.

We made our way up to the dining room, and let's just say, it wasn't a comfortable elevator ride. When we got out, we stood in a room with couches, chairs, and a large rectangular table. It had modern furniture, with a touch of edge.

Tony sat on a chair talking with Thor and Dr. Banner. Steve was studying us if we were a complicated design.Then I remembered- he only believed in the one God, so of course it was new to him.

"Ah, Wave Oceanman and his sidekick Smarticles has arrived." Tony said jokingly.

" He gives everyone nicknames, so don't worry about it." Clint said, looking at me. I had probably looked irratated. Behind us, Fury cleared his throat.

" I'm sorry to interupt, but we have things to discuss."


When everyone was seated and had their food, Fury motioned for us to share our hunch.

" Would you two like to share your hunch?" He asked, but it sounded more like a command.

" Well, we believe it's Nemisis, the goddess of revenge." I started. At the mention of goddess, Steve frowned, but didn't say anything. Why can't Percy have manners like that? I thought.

"Why would she do it though?" He questioned.

"Well, during the war, an elementary school was destroyed. The one her daughter was teaching at to recruit new demigods. Being Nemisis, she doesn't think carefully, so blamed you and sided with your enemy, Loki." Percy continued.

"Makes sense, but why did they attack the Empire State Building last week?" Clint asked us.

"The home of the gods. Olympus moves with western civilization, and is currently over the empire state building." I said. As soon as the words left my lips, a small piece of parchment appeared in front of me.

" It's a letter from the gods." Percy said, looking at the Hermes Express stamp on it.

"Well, read it aloud." Fury said, and I cleared my throat.

Dear Percy and Annabeth,

Your presence at tommorow's olympian council has been requested by Zeus. He demands that you bring the Avengers, as long as the Norse god obey's the treaty. He feels that he can provide helpful information. Oh, and Percy, Athena is irratated, and will most likely bring it out on you.                                                                                                                                ~Hemes, the AWESOMEST god ever.

When I finished reading, I looked up at Thor, who seemed deep in thought. Then I looked at Percy, who seemed to be concentarting. He looks so hot when he concentrates. Stop it. There are more pressing maters! I thought, mentally slapping myself.

'My dad breifly told me about the treaty, but not much. He said said something about a war." Percy finally said, bitting his lip.

"Well, he's correct. The treaty was caused by the citizans of Asgard waging war because they felt as if they were being over powered. Oden and Zeus decided it better to keep the two races apart, and so the treaty was born. It states that unless an emergency, like the fate of the world at stake, neither race could interact with each other. Most people on Asgard have forgotten about it." Thor said, explaining it in detail.

Abrutbtly, Fury left the room, followed by Natasha and Thor.

"So...where are we staying?" Percy asked, trying to change the subject.

"I'll show you your rooms." Tony said with a smirk on his face. We got up and followed him to the elevator.

When it opened, I stared in shock at the floor that belonged to me and Percy.



Did you like it? The next chapter will be short, but in Thors P.O.V. and then it's Tony's P.O.V.  I promise.


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