Chapter 10

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Percy P.O.V.

When I woke up, Annabeth was snoring next to me, and my back was really sore. I sat up grogily and yawned. The clock next to me read five twenty in the afternoon. I stretched, but regretted it instantly. It felt as if someone was ripping the skin off my back.

I stood up and was about to use the bathroom when the elevator dinged open. Tony came out and smirked.

“Hey kid. How's your back?” he asked, patting my shoulder. I flinched.

“Like it's being ripped off.”

“Cool. Anyways, someone's here to see you. I think they called themselves Rico and Dahlia...” I sighed. Just the people I wanted to see right now. NOT!

“Nico and Thalia. Bring em' up.” Behind me, Annabeth stirred in her sleep. Tony made a thumbs up before going back into the elevator.

I went back to the bed and twirled Annabeth's hair.

“Wake up, sleepyhead.” I said. Annabeth murmured something in her sleep that I couldn't understand. So I bent down and kissed her cheek. Her eyes opened slightly and closed again, and I could see the faintest outline of a smile.

“Thalia and Nico are on their way up!” I said, and she shot up.

“Wh-” but I kissed her so she couldn't yell.

Behind us, the elevator opened.

“Whoa whoa whoa! There are very unmature demigods present!” Thalia screamed, covering Nico and Leo's eyes. We broke apart, and we were both blushing crazily. Not because of what she said. But because Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, Frank, and Grover had seen us also.

“I thought it was only Thalia and Nico!” Annabeth yelped, pushing me off the bed.

“Oww...... my back...” I said as I landed on the hardwood floor.

“Yeah, well we wanted to visit to.” Piper said, smiling at Annabeth. The group looked aroun d the room, marveling at the hugeness. (Is that even a word.......?) Well, everyone besides Hazel and Leo. Leo was laughing so hard he was red in the face, and Hazel looked scandalized.

“Is that how you normally sleep, Annabeth?” Leo asked, still laughing.

“What?” asked a clueless Annabeth.

“Do you normally sleep in Percy's t-shirts? With no pants?” Leo said again, and Annabeth yelped, pulling the covers up.

“No!” she said, and I laughed. I had lost so many shirts to her that I lost count.

“Yes...” I corrected, and she threw a pillow at me.

“Sometimes...” everyone laughed at us. By the time they had stopped laughing, I had managed to stand back up.

“Well, we should go. We're helping with the fireworks show tommorow. Will you b there?” Jason said, looking at me.

“Wouldn't miss it for the world.” I said, and they left. The only ones left in the room now were me, Annabeth, Thalia, Grover, and Nico. Thalia came up and sat next to Annabeth.

“Is that REALLY how you sleep?” she asked innocently, and Annabeth pushed her off the bed.

“Shut up, Thalia....”

~time lapse~

They ended up staying for dinner. I love them and all, but gods. Can't they talk about anything else but my most embarrassing moments? Gods, I wanna strangle them....

After dinner, they thankfully left. The others drifted into different parts of the tower, leaving me and Annabeth to go up to our room.

When we got up there, I took out a shirt and gym shorts. Tossing the shirt to Annabeth (it was funny seeing her glare at me for that....) I took of my own shirt. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Annabeth staring as she changed.

“Like what you see?” I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.

“No, I LOVE what I see.” she reponded, coming over and kissing me.

“What do you see?” I asked against her lips.

“You...” she said, pushing me back onto the bed. “Imma go pick out a movie!” she called, walking over to the movie rack. As I waited for her to come back, I finished changing and laid down under the warm covers.

When she came back, Annabeth was holding a movie called The Perks of Being A Wallflower She popped it into the dvd player then laid down beside me.

"That Logan Lerman looks alot like me..." I said, and Annabeth laughed.

"Shut up and watch the movie..."

About halfway through the movie, we both fell asleep.

~an hour later~

I woke to a cold feeling something bad was about to go down. Looking around, nothing seemed out of place. Laying back down, I heard the elevator open. Looking up, I saw Fury.

“It's time.”


Time for what?! Oh, cliffy time, oh yeah!!!!!! Oh, I'm so weird....... Anyways, I hope you liked this chapeter! Took forever to write!!!!!!!

#The Face of True Awesomeness

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