Chapter 7

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Look, I know I promised Tony's P.O.V., but I have found that very difficult. So instead I'm doing -drumroll- Poseidon's P.O.V.! There is a Pothena scene -Poseidon and Athena- if you didn't know that.... that sounded much less confusing  in my head... whatever. So, don't be mad at me and here we go, my little Pretenders!

Poseidon P.O.V.

I stood alone in the garden, thinking about her. The only one I thought possible to fill Sally Jackson's place in my heart.

" What's wrong?" A voice came from behind me. I turned to see her. Athena- her golden locks resting peacfully on her shoulders, big, curious gray eyes looking straight into mine.

" Oh, nothing.Just.... thinking." I said. Athena showed mock surprise, like this was funny to her.

" Barnicle Brain, thinking? Oh my, that's new." she said, standing next to me. " So, thinking about what?"

" Someone." I said, and she looked at me. "I'm thinking about a someone."

"Who is this... someone?" She asked. She seemed a bit... nervous.

I couldn't tell her. She would either: A. Laugh at me, or B. Try to kill me. And before I could stop myself, I kissed her. And I swear on the river styx I felt her smile and kiss me back.

When I pulled away, she was blushing. Like seriously, her cheeks were blood red.

" You" was all I managed to say before kissing her again.

                                                                 ~time lapse~

" What do you mean Thor dissapeared?!" Zeus bellowed. The council was almost over- we had decided that Percy and Annabeth's therory had been right. Now, being the uptight person he is, Zeus is mad that Thor hadn't shown up.

I started spacing out, and my eyes wondered to Athena. I was the happiest god alive-  I had gotten the girl of my dreams. The gap in my heart had been filled.

About five minutes later, Zeus got up and left, signaling we could all leave.

"Percy, can I speak to you and Annabeth for a minute?" I asked. They nodded, telling the others to meet them in the lobby. Thruthfully, I was nervous. Telling your son you started dating his girlfriends mom. Oh Yay!

"Well, um, I need to tell you that i'm da-dating Ath-Athena" I said quietly. Percy was the first to say something.

" That's great dad! Took you long enough." he said.

" What do you-" I was cut off by Nemisis appearing infront of me. ( This is and iris message, she's not there for real...) Loki was also there, supporting a passed out Thor.

"What did you do to him!' Percy yelled angrilly.

" Oh, don't worry. It's only a sleeping spell. It'll wear off. But, when he wakes up and realizes you never came to look for him, he'll join us. Espically if something happens to his little Jane..." Loki said coyly.

"Unless, you give us the swod of Hades ( If you haven't read The Demigod Files, this won't make any sense to you...) and he'll be returned. Just like a present nobody wants." Nemisis bargained, before swiping her hand through the iris message.

"We can't give her the sword of Hades, that's basically commiting suicide!" Annabeth yelped.

" And we won't. Loki is the norse god of trickery and cleverness, he'd just trick you. He wouldn't give Thor back." I said.

"Then whatare we going to do?" Percy asked. " We can't just go and fall into their trap on purpose!"

"You'll need some stealth on your side. Find where they're hiding Thor, and you two distract them while another team goes in and gets Thor. If you bring him back here, Hypnos can wake him up." I said. Annabeth considered this.

" But how do we find out where they are? It's not like they're gonna tell us!" She reasoned

" Looks like we need to pay a visit to Hephastus." I said.


" He built tracking devices for all the minor gods, so if they rebeled again and went into hiding, we could find them. And she can't remove it either- it's attached to her heart." I said.

"Her heart?!"

" It won't hurt her, only if she doesn't try to remove it. Now, go on. I'll talk to Hephastus. You uys need to tell the others." I said, shooing them off.

Once they were gone, I calmly walked up to Hephastus.

"I have a favor to ask you.."


Ha! I got Chapter Seven up finally! Yay! This took me forever to write because I had serious writers block, the I decided not to do Tony's P.O.V. and it came to me easily! Yay! I should have Eight and Nine up before Friday this week!

So, how'd you like it? Please cooment any ideas you have and I'll try to incorperate them. And yes, Thalia and Nico will be coming into the picture soon! And don't worry- I'll still try to do a Tony P.O.V. but no promises.

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