Chapter 8

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Percy P.O.V.

" What do you mean?" Fury asked gruffly. We had just told him about the iris message and how they had Thor.

" Don't worry, we have a plan. Hephastus built little tracking devices attached to her heart, so not even she can remove it." I said.

"What if Thor's not with her?" Clint questioned, worridly glancing down at his watch.

"Nemisis won't trust Loki alone with Thor. So she'll stick with them, or keep Thor with her." annabeth said, Fury nodded, then cleared his throat.

" Well, I must talk with the council. Everyone be back at Stark towers by seven for a meeting. Until then, you have some free time." He said, getting into a car and driving away.

"Ok... so, who wants to go get Schwarma?" Tony asked, changing the subject. Clint shook his head

" I can't... I.... have a date." He said.

"Well, she can come to! We're not that messed up!"

"Tony, I don't think that's a good idea..."

"Come on, Pepper's coming to!"


"I'll have Jarvis hack your phone and send her a text telling her to come!"

"Asshole..." Clint muttered before taking out his phone.

"I try to be!" Tony said with a smirk as Clint dialed a number.

On the second ring, a woman picked up.

"Hey!" she said in a cheery tone.

"Hey... um, do you know that schwarma joint down the street from your apartment?"

"Yeah... why?"

"Well, Tony's gonna keep bugging me if you don't come. So, could we eat there?"

"Sure. See you soon!" Clint hanged up and turned to Tony.


"Oh Yeah."

                                     ~time lapse~

We had sat at the largest table avialible and talked for a while. about five minutes after we got there, a woman with warm blue eyes and medium lenght brown hair entered. She wore a red trench coat, black skinny jeans, and red high-tops. She looked around until her eyes landed on Clint.

"Hey!" She said smiling as she sat down next to him.

"Hey..." he said nervously as she kissed his cheek. "Everyone, this is my girlfriend Maddie."

                                    ~ an hour later~

Annabeth and I strolled down the streets of New York, looking at shops. She had seen a commercial for a new bookstore, and as her boyfriend, it was apparently my responsability to take her. When we finally found it, it reminded me of the school library. All boring and what not.

There was a little old lady sitting at the check out desk, and I shuddered. I'd had many bad expierences with old ladies... Annabeth walked around, and I followed her. When we got to the basement where they kept the Five dollar and under books, I grabbed Annabeth's wrist.

"I don't like this..." I said.

"Of course you don't, Seaweed Brain! It's a bookstore!" Annabeth said, rolling her eyes as she picked up a book.

"Not the store! I mean the old lady! They usually turn into vicious monsters that want to kill me."

"I don't think she's a monster Percy"

"I still don't like this...." I mumbled, but I gave up. Better not fight with Wise Girl in a bookstore... She set the book down and grabbed the one next to it. As she read the back, I could make out the title. The Owls of Gahool Of course. It has to be about owls.

Athena probably wrote it...... I thought.



"Can you get this for me." I sighed. Annabeth had once again 'forgotten' her wallet.

"Sure." I grumbled as we hiked back upstairs. As we approached the old woman, I grabbed my wallet and riptide. Just in case.

"Will that be all?" She asked sweetly.


"That'll be $4.53 please." I paid with a five dollar bill and let her keep the change.

When we got out, I let go a huge breath of air I didn't know I was holding.

"I'm never going back in there" I said, holding Annabeth's hand.

"Whatever you say. let's go back to the tower. I wanna read."

"Of course you do, Wise girl." We started walking back, and to be truthfull, New York was actually a little quiet. Surprising, huh? When we were about halfway there, Annabeth's phone went off.

"It's Tony." she said, putting it on speaker.

"Get to the tower. ASAP. There's an attack coming!" Tony yelled. In the background, I could hear the fight.

"Ok." Annabeth said, hanging up. "Let's go." And we started running towards the tower.

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