NY to LA

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We had just a few more days to finish filming Déjà Vu, and Peter called me to arrange a meeting, but I only had time at lunch, it was definitely going to be a tiring day. I had to ask Peter to come near Central Park, where we were filming, so we went to a restaurant near Columbus Circle called Le Pain Quotidien. It was very rustic and classy at the same time. We took a table at the back so no paparazzi could see us. Once we sat down, a waiter came to take our order but Peter said we were waiting for someone so he asked him to give us some time.

"What do you mean we're waiting for someone?" I asked him once the waiter was gone.

"That we're waiting for someone," he said.

"Yeah, but who?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Just... Wait, would you?" He said a little desperate.

"Okay," I sat and waited, "you do know I only have two hours," I asked eventually.

"I'm aware of that, clearly. Just wait!" He sighed. Five minutes later a black woman came to our table.

"I am so sorry, I'm late!" She said almost out of breath.

"It's okay, Kerry!" Peter stood up to greet her, and I did the same after him, "(Y/N), this is Kerry Hopson, and she is... well, I'll let you introduce yourself," he smiled at her.

"I'll be your publicist!" She said smiling.

"Oh, wow! That's amazing!" I said smiling too.

"I can't wait to work with you, I have lots of plans already settled and on the way to be settled, but let's not get too overly excited before we discuss everything," she giggled.

"Yeah! I'm really excited to know—"

"Anyways, you will have more time to know each other, and to talk about everything you need to talk later this week. Giving the fact that you have little time, we should order now so I can tell you what I need to tell you, and so you can have your lunch, all of us, but—"

"Peter, you're just rambling!" I said laughing, and Kerry laughed too when she saw Peter's look. Peter called the waiter and we ordered what was faster to cook so we didn't waste too much time having our lunch. The waiter finally came back with our order, perfect timing as I was already going insane because Peter didn't want to tell me anything until our lunch was on the table, "all right! What did you have to tell me?" I asked once the waiter left.

"It's quite big, I can tell—" he started.

"Peter!" I interrupted, amusingly desperate.

"All right, all right! The cast director called me yesterday telling me that your role is in fact going to be a regular. You're coming back by the half of the first half of the upcoming next season, and it is a five year contract," he said smirking amusingly.

"Oh my gosh! That is perfect! I'm already too excited... dude, I can't wait!" I said trying not to shout out too loud. I still got some stares, but I didn't care.

"You just have to sign, tomorrow at 3:00 p.m."

There were no more news, so we finished our lunch and then Peter took me back to Central Park. I walked to the south part of the lake, and not everyone was there. I saw Trevor and walked towards him and after some talk, everyone started to show up. When it was almost time to start retouching our makeup and changing or rearranging wardrobe, someone came behind me and put their hands on my eyes.

"Who am I?" I heard a familiar voice and smiled widely.

"Kendall!" I exclaimed as I took his hands off of my face and turned around. He giggled and kissed me, "what are you doing here?" I said once we broke the kiss.

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