I Promised You A Fun Day!

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It's been a week since the party. I'm getting really bored as I have nothing to do since we're going to continue filming until January 20th, but I'm going house shopping with Kendall today. I'm not really looking for a house, but we were chatting and I was telling him how I was feeling, so he suggested the house shopping thing. He said it was going to be fun, and as I was looking for anything to do, I agreed. I was watching TV when the doorbell rang, I put it on mute and ran to open the door.

"Hi, (Y/N)!" I smiled and let him in, "so, you ready?" He asked.

"I guess... I'm just not sure where to start, or what kind of house we can go and see, you know?" I said with a grin on my face.

"Yeah! I get it, but once you start you won't stop," he sat on the couch.

"Ok! Then..." I said and jumped on the couch next to Kendall. I grabbed the remote and took off the mute of the TV.

"(Y/N), do you have a map?" He said vaguely looking at the screen.

"I'm not sure! Let me check," I stood up and walked to my room. I grabbed a box where I had lots of things I didn't know what to do with, "I guess there could be one here," I said giving Kendall the box.

"What's this?" He said smiling, and then grabbed a binder from the box.

"Oh gimme that!" I said once I realized what that was. There're tons of BTR stuff my friends and I collected from all magazines we bought to make that binder, like extreme fangirl stuff. I held it tight against my chest.

"C'mon! I want to see it!" He said laughing, and he was trying to snatch it out from my arms.

"No! It's just... It's embarrassing!" I laughed nervously.

"Please!" He made a puppy face, "I won't laugh or anything!"

"That's what everyone says, and nobody ever keeps their promise!" I said and rested my head on the couch's back.

"Well, I'm not everyone nor nobody!" He smiled and I was trying not to, but the corners of my lips were trembling, "trust me! And... and if I do, then... then I will personally name you the winner of our game!"

"What? Don't you even think I would let you do that, I'm still playing! But... ok... go ahead!" I put the binder on his lap and I covered my face with my hands. I was feeling my face burning. I was trying to guess what kind of red they're turning when I heard Kendall whispering.

"This is cute!" I looked through my fingers and he was smiling, not laughing, he kept his promise.

"What?" I asked him.

"Oh!" He looked at me, and put my hands down on my lap, "so I was your star crush!" He said with a flirty smile.

"Yeah! But... those things written there came from a hormonal teenager's mind! Oh my!"

"I think it's sweet!" He closed it and gave it back to me.

"Oook! Now... Let's find that map!" I grabbed the box and put it between us avoiding any eye contact.

"You don't have to be embarrassed!" He said sweetly.

"I'm not!" I said still looking for a map in the box.

"Ok! There's no map in there!" He put his hand over mine, and smiled at me when I looked up.

"Oh! Uh... I'll look over..."

"No! I have an idea!" He interrupted me and stood up.

"Ok!" I laughed, "where are we going?"

"C'mon!" He stretched out his hand for me to hold it.

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